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Raging Bull Campaign: First Mission

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How the heck are you supposed to probably recon and assault this town with the forces given, especially the cavalry contingent some of which needs to be split off to defend against enemy mechanised reconnaissance.

The city itself is almost a battalion sized objective and all I get is a couple M20's, an M8, and six men split in two teams of recon. My biggest problem with this is the lack of men to "recon" with at the start, even if I move forward carefully there are just so many buildings that it would be impossible to clear or find the enemies in them without taking unacceptable casualties. It is incredibly difficult to spot infantry in buildings, but this is multiplied by 10 with this being a city.

What purpose does this mechanized cavalry squadron serve in the mission?

Am I A: Expected to only screen the open ground to the west of the city for German reconnaissance vehicles with cavalry troops and use a single platoon of infantry to assault the city.


B: Split the cavalry's m20's because they are needed to kill German vehicles in the open ground and send the cav scout teams into the city to find enemy positions, and as I asked above I have no idea how I am supposed to do that.

Yes I am a little upset with this mission, but the map is beautiful!



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