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Infantry Animations

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In the QT movies I noticed that the motion of the infantry's feet wasn't in sync with their motion relative to the ground. That is, their feet 'slid' across the ground as they were 'walking'.

I know that this is a (very) minor nit (sp?) to pick, but it's the sort of thing that really ends up bugging me.

Is there any way/plan to correct this "problem" so that it ends up looking like the infantry really is marching (and not just moving their feet up and down)?

As if you guys didn't have enough things to think about already!

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Guest Big Time Software

Nah, that isn't a nitpick! Pointing out that you can't see the laces on the boots clearly, THAT is a nitpick smile.gif

We do intend on fixing the "running" animation. Right now it is just walking speeded up. This is because we had to do all the animations in code, and that is very time consuming.



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Guest John Maragoudakis

If there was any way we could help with the animations. Too bad you guys couldn't give us some kind of editor for the animations, (motion and infantry detail), so we could upload you some work that you can pick and choose from. If the work didn't require a genious but was relatively easy but time consuming, I'd be willing to put in the hours no charge.

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 05-13-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

If we had such a tool all animations would be already done smile.gif The problem is that Charles was looking at several weeks, probably a month, worth of coding to make a tool. Since we have no free time, that means a month delay in the game MINIMUM. We felt it would be better to just go with a basic set of animations now and make the tools needed for more after CM releases. I'm not sure if this will be retrofitted back into CM or would be strictly for future versions. We shall see.


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Guest John Maragoudakis

I don't mean to nit-pick. I noticed that how german soldiers carried thier mg. You know over the back. Small detail but when the unit was in a march mode mayby this might look cool. teeny tiny suggestion smile.gif

This picture was in Russia: (look at the soldier to the far right)


yes candy I know

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Guest John Maragoudakis

One more. When a unit comes under fire or tries to be stealthy. Notice the charachteristic crouched walk.


little things like this makes the images look clever.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Ahh but Moon, the guy in the lower picture is in a more stealthy state. In other words just looking at him you can tell what is going on. So if the player saw units like in the first posture you can assume it's dinner time, they haven't seen you, hehehe. But , if you see the boys are slithering like in the second picture, something is cooking in the kitchen and it isn't roast beef. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by John Maragoudakis (edited 05-13-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Generally. There are three ways to carry a MG34/42. The two pictured above plus sling over one or the other shoulder. Depends on tactical situation. Since LMGs are not depicted in a squad, we won't be doing any of the three smile.gif For HMGs we keep the tripod on and the gun on the shoulder. Not realistic, but since it takes at least 2 men to carry all the parts to an HMG, and we ony have one figure for a team, we can't do this.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 05-13-99).]

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Again, I hope these suggestions are understood to be just that. Hints to help polish the game if it is reasonably possibly. For all I know, something I suggest can take 30min and the staff might just think it's cool. If it does pop up in CM2 so much the better. It's a creative process. No one is making demands.

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Guest Big Time Software

Don't worry John, your suggestions were taken in the spirt which you intended them to be. But in this particular case we don't show LMGs, so these suggestions (though rational) are moot smile.gif But since you didn't know that there was no LMG displayed, who can fault you?

Someday (dream mode enabled...) we will have enough computing power and programming time to do a full battlefield in all of its "glory". For example, a mortar team would be 4 men, you would get to see them with all of their equipment, watch as they assemble the baseplate to the tube, lay out ammo, get into firing positions, and let loose! Man, someday we will be able to do this, and it will ROCK! Wish those R&D labs would hurry up and get us some 2GHz sample chips smile.gif


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You might want to start writing code, then. Those 2Ghz chips are only about 2 years off.

On a slight tangent, my longtime dream is to play in a Everquest-style FP sym. We may be moving somewhat in that direction... I've just read that the new Microprose B-17 Flying Bomber II will feature multiplay capability for all the 10 positions (pilot, gunners, navigator). From there, it's just a hop, skip and jump to playing a grunt at Nijmegen.

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Guest John Maragoudakis

Süper, I knew you couldn't separate the lmg from the squad but didn't come to the conclusion that the lmg was not visible, although I noticed in one screenshot that a squad had an lmg but other weapons were only showing. I figured it could apply to an lmg team.



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