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Tac AI and Panzerfausts

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I was defending Reiseberg, and doing a pretty good job of it. My 88 on the hill had smoked one Sherman and A Schreck toasted another one on the road to town, and managed to high tail it back to HQ and stay alive. Everyone else was hiding. The AI got overconfident and rushed a heavy attack up the middle, where I had 2 platoons of SMGs and some VGs waiting. Ahhh, sweet victory.

The game ended in a total allied victory frown.gif

One of the shermans stopped *7m* from a regular smg squad and started firing at them with its 50 cal. They did not respond. They continued merrily firing at an unidentified squad some 200m away. They were not pinned or shaken, and they were firing, just not at the tank 30 feet away. I attempted to rectify this three straight times, targeting the Sherman, but they never fired either of their two panzerfausts.

IMHO a tanks 30 feet away would probably take priority over just about anything (except a bigger tank...) and I was wondering if the panzerfaust had a minimum effective range or if the Tac AI and I just disagree about priorities.

- Bill Carey

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Billcarey said:

>>>>>>>>> They continued merrily firing at an unidentified squad some 200m away. They were not pinned or shaken, and they were firing, just not at the tank 30 feet away. I attempted to rectify this three straight times, targeting the Sherman, but they never fired either of their two panzerfausts. <<<<<<<

Thanks, I was just about to start this thread myself wink.gif.

I've noticed the same thing several times: grunts will shoot at other grunts if they can see even a hint of them, totally ignoring much more threatening armor even when they had the means to deal with it. Seems to be built into the grunt's target selection routine. I'd like to see this changed.

On that note, maybe they could change it to give grunt squad-sized units the ability to shoot at multiple targets with multiple weapons, at least in cases like this. That is, have 1 or 2 guys shoot the panzerfausts at the tank and the rest shoot at enemy grunts as normal. If I'm not mistaken, I've seen tanks shoot at 2 targets at once a few times (main gun and co-ax at target A, hull gun at target B). Thus, I'd think they could make this work for squads as well.


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I've noticed some similar strangeness with Low Ammo squads. A tank moved up next to 2 of my squads, and even though they both had a 'faust left, neither one would fire. I targeted the tank for 3 or 4 turns in a row, and they just dropped the target each time. The squads were both in good order, and the tank was not firing at them.


- Lou

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