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Any Civ4 players here?

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Follow up. After posting the above, I contacted Support at Aspyr with the same question. After various complicated run arounds over the weekend and yesterday, I have still not received a satisfactory reply. Last night, by dint of simply clicking randomly everything on the screen, I stumbled onto the solution. This was so simple that it would not have taken more than a minute to give me a reply the first time I contacted them if they had any familiarity with their own game. Apparently the people at support lack that familiarity, which to my mind does not speak well of their organization.


Oh well, life goes on.



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Greetings Michael, good to see you again after all these years of being away. It was CivIV that, indirectly, brought me back to the forums.


The past few years I've been toying with it on and off (solitaire), while glancing once in a while at the unopened CivV box, finally completed a few games of IV Beyond The Sword and then tried the WWII scenarios. Found them interesting, when they weren't crashing, like the idea of not starting out at war and being able to build up first, but soon found the total lack of realism to be a turnoff -- things like Yugoslavia, out of nowhere, attacking Italy and Germany simultaneously! In my latest effort, as Germany in the 1939 scenario, I was in the middle of slaughtering Norway in late 1940 when I noticed Sweden starting a new coastal city between two Norwegian cities I'd already conquered -- that same turn the Baltics attacked me in East Prussia, lost decisively, and retreated back into it's own territory. I didn't bother going any further, having already conquered Yugo (happens every game I played), Denmark and most of Norway after provoking a DoW by contributing too much to a mixed fascist/democratic wedding! The rest of the game would have been tediously familiar: the Low Countries would have declared war on me next, followed by some other minor nation while off in the distance Romania would be gleefully taking on both the USSR and Turkey pointlessly going down in flames. I think the main problem is every nation in the WWII scenarios seems to have winning the game as an AI goal, even Albania (in the '36 scenario), Greece, whatever. The flip side is there are a lot of things I like in them (including the Japan 36 mod) but it only feels like a game rather than a simulation of real events. 

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Part Two from above post ...


I gave it another try this time hitting the Beyond the Sword Resources option instead of Play A Scenario and the game is holding up much better. Also, when it goes buggy (which it has once or twice this time too) I shut it down going back to desktop, then open it again and return to the saved game, which it's recovered from. The scenario itself (Europe 1936 - Historical Option), has been enjoyable and seems reasonably historical. My idea in starting with 1936 is to try to enter the war with more advanced research and industrialization than what Germany actually opened with. The flip side is the campaign in Russia, using the CivIV system, will probably be a nightmare.

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