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As the time approaches for this marvelous game to become a part of your electronic repertoire of war, I notice more and more questions about the scenarios and operations that will be included.

Naturally, that would be a primary concern of all gamers. The battles are what make the game shine. They are the show window of the goods inside.

I don't think any of you will be disappointed. Its been my pleasure to coordinate the testing of these battles among 18 different very talented men.

These guys are sharp and they are tough. Up until this moment, the testing has been very thorough and the scenarios are shaping up nicely.

I've seen great games with disappointing scenarios. That will not be the case here. They are historical in nature (even the hypothetical ones). They are challenging, some more than others. They offer a wide range of combat situations, variety of terrain, and weather conditions.

The nice thing is that the editor is the most user friendly that I have ever seen in a wargame. This has been the consensus of all the scenario designers.

For those among you that aspire to doing your own scenarios, this will be your chance. Its logical, stable, and easy to understand.

I look for hundreds of scenarios to be pouring out of the minds of you gentlemen and I look foward to playing every one of them.

The Gamers Net and I am sure other sites will be providing a scenario depot where you can load your beauties for the pleasure of others.

So get ready to now at last transport your favorite battles into this game to relive some of your famous moments in history!


Wild Bill

Wild Bill's Raiders

Director of Scenario Design,

The Gamers Net

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Here, here...

I cringe at every TOAW scenario issued with the game. I realize that a lot of work went towards them, but, many are just so wrong it isn't funny. I have to say that there are many that impress me that are designed by individuals, and indeed deserve the 5 stars that TGN gives them, but, the ones that were shipped with the game have so many flaws. The "Battle of France" (I am an early war historian freak, can't wait for CM 1939 & 1940 to come out, battling Panzers against dismounted Polish cavalry, or attacking Rommel's 7th Panzer with a bunch of Matilda's!) was so incorrect it was freightening. Units that didn't exist were put in places that even if they did so they would never be. I have been working on creating the most historically accurate version of this (I have read so many books on the subject), but, then CM came along and swept me away in 3D wargaming heaven.

I love this game, not purely for its graphics (which are impecilbe!) but for its attempt at being as historically accurate as they can, AND, for the fact that they are really receptive to what the buying public wants in a game, even down to picky details. It was no less than 2 seconds after the mass request for a group select occured when you guys at BTS announced it's implementation. I am truely looking forward to the plethora of qualatative scenarios built by those of you affiliated with BTS, and those who are so dedicated to create spectacular scenarios of their own. You don't go out and say to the public, 'this is what you want, because this is how we made it', you ask us what we want. I cannot express my gratitude and amazement at everone affiliated with the development of this product, from programers to beta testers. Thanks a lot.

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