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Ok, I notice that no one has complained about the lack if AAR’s.. (Nothing since Friday!!)

So where are you guys getting your fix from….

Is there a secret stash that I don’t know about?

You can trust me, I won’t talk…

Tell me …


I just need a little bit….

Sob…..I cant take it any more!!!

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Actually winger, all the rest of us here on the board made it into the Beta test group. So we don't need to read AAARRRRRS anymore. You mean you didn't make it in?????

Mike D

aka Mikester

PS: I know of a lot of swamp land that is available along the E. seaboard of USA right now thanks to the most recent hurricane that is for sale too. Might ye be interested in a plot or two? wink.gif

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Just look at the booones! That rabbit's dynamite!!

Is there someone ELSE we can talk to? NON!!Now go ayway, ur ahll taunt ya a second tahmuh!

Gotta get up pretty early in the morning to slip Python past me. smile.gif

P.S. Steve and Charles, since I can't have the game yet, may I at least stay and "face the peril"? wink.gif


The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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Pythonisims are all well and good just as long as no one asks to have the Holy Hand Grenade included in CM. wink.gif

1, 2, 3, 5

I think someone is already asking for the Black Knight scene on another thread of this board. smile.gif



[This message has been edited by Rhet (edited 09-22-99).]

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Sorry everyone.

The lack of AARs is my fault. My fiancee and I have been sick with some type of flu-type illness since Saturday and my "will to type" just hasn't been there.

I'll do them today though for sure.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Big Time Software

Doug, and the rest of you kenigits, I got that one smile.gif I'm thinking that we must put in some sort of NO MONTY PYTHON rule into the BBS's charter, but then again... Charles and I LOVE Python smile.gif

Steve-who-saw-Holy-Grail-in-a-drive-in-theater-when-it-was-released :)

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