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Stupid tank

Guest Tom punkrawk

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Guest Tom punkrawk

I was just playing the Last Defense scenario as the Germans,it was a couple turns after the allied reniforcments arrived.When they first did my tiger picked off two of the hellcats one right after the other.Now my tiger was targetting some infrantry that were reinforcements and the last hellcat came around the house on the hill into the site of my tiger, but my tiger just kept firing at the infranrty,the hellcat fired 4 shots,one shaddered,2 missed and one blew my tiger up.Now the whole time I was saying to my tiger(unfortunetly they can't hear me), target the hellcat come on target it damnit!!and nothing,he kept firing at some infrantry,when the hellcat was like 20 meters away from the infrantry.What's up w/ that?


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Guest Big Time Software

Tanks, when buttoned up, are practically blind. Therefore when a tank is buttoned up there is a significant, and somewhat random, targeting delay to simulate not seeing something. A non lethal hit will negate this delay I am pretty sure. You just got very unlucky wink.gif


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Guest Tom punkrawk

Yeah that's what I figured.Thanks Steve

Is there anyway I can kill that last Hellcat w/ my infrantry?I have three Mg's left(one not able to move though)and numerous grenaider and mobile squads.I had three half racks left so I just parked them in front of the bridge(not very nice to my men)and let the hellcat blow them up, now the bridge is blocked so he looks to be going to one of the fording spots.So it there anyway I can kill that guy?All my artillery is used up


We ain't got no place to go,let's go to a punk rawk show

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What if the reverse was true? In my game, as the Americans, my zooks are all dead or out of ammo, my artillery men are decoys, and my hellcats are all imitating the Burning Bush from the Bible. Can my rifle squads and HMG take out the tiger (close range, flank perhaps?)

Great game, BTW. Really enjoyed the PBEM from Fionn and Martin.



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Guest L Tankersley


not bloodly likely. You might be able to kill a crew member of the Tiger, forcing them to stay buttoned for the rest of the scenario. Other than that, the only way to take it out is close assault if he happens to come right up next to you. (Unless you have any mortar shells left - a kill is unlikely, but you might be able to immobilize it with a lucky shot.) I'd recommend skulking back and not giving the Tiger any juicy targets to shell.

Don't lose heart; my first time playing as the Amis I lost all the M18s and only killed one StuG, but still got the victory. Just don't give the Tiger the opportunity to beat you, hunker down, and beat back the German infantry.

Leland J. Tankersley

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I played the Americans last weekend, and lost the sole remaining vehicle (my Hellcat) to german infantry using, get this, gernades! I had them pinned down with MG fire, and rushed my tank in, hoping that they'd surrender. They didn't! A couple of gernades later, I was short one more Hellcat...

Couldn't believe it!


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Voila the achilles hell of most of the Allied tank destroyers, the Wespe, the Marder, etc.

No top can mean good visibility and higher rate of fire, but an enemy MG on a third floor of some building, or a soldier with a decent arm can ruin your whole day. frown.gif

One of my uncles had a guy in his unit in WWII who was a baseball pitcher in high school. Once he got a hang of the weight of a grenade, he was supposedly very accurate and very long ranged. "Forget that basic training, give em a fastball right up the middle."

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One of my uncles had a guy in his unit in WWII who was a baseball pitcher in high school. Once he got a hang of the weight of a grenade, he was supposedly very accurate and very long ranged. "Forget that basic training, give em a fastball right up the middle."

Imagine then a game similar to baseball but with the additional attribute that the ball weighs _exactly_ the same as the hand grenade model used by the army. In the early twenties "Tahko" Pihkala designed just such game "Pesäpallo" by combining aspects of baseball and an old Finnish game for the explicit purpose of generating better soldiers.

The new game became quickly accepted to school PE classes and as a result most of Finnish soldiers had much experience of throwing grenade weighting objects around, giving them an edge over Soviets.


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