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Ambient Sounds?

Guest KwazyDog

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Guest KwazyDog

Hi guys. Just curious if there is going to be any ambient noises in CM smile.gif ? Rain in the background on a rainy day for instance, or maybe wind on a snowey day, that sort of thing. Not sure of the overheads something like this would put on your system, but I think it would certainally add to the atmosphere smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

We're planning to add ambients soon.

Though it is a little hard to hear the wind blowing when a King Tiger is firing 88mm shells over your head. smile.gif


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Guest KwazyDog

Thanks Charles, thats good to hear smile.gif Hehe, it have to be one hell of a windy day, wouldnt it. I think it will add a lot of atmosphere to the game though. I can just imagine those couple of recent snowey shots with a harsh wind blowing in the background.

Whilst on the 'ambient' topic, another quick question. Is the light source for the map in different locations depening on the time of day? For instance, at dusk, is it basically on the horizon. It obiously not something thats important, Im just curious smile.gif

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Actually, I can image some of those winter days out in the woods where it's just deathly quite and the only thing you can hear is the sound of your own breathing.

I've been in some pine forests in the summer that are earily silent as well.

Sometimes, no ambient sound is appropriate as well...and then all hell breaks loose smile.gif

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Guest Big Time Software

KwazyDog - to maximize frame rate we don't use dynamic lighting from different sun angles. But things do darken in dawn/dusk and of course at night.


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Being that my main interest lies in photography, I have recently become well informed on computer graphics issues. I can tell you I was waiting for the answer on this direction of light thing. If you guys said you were going to do that, I think I would've died of shock. Such things are extremely taxing on computers. If you throw in the behavior of reflecting light the high end graphics stations can't even handle it. This being the main limitation on CG in movies. If you notice the times that it looks fake is when they try to mix in a CG element with real life objects that are supposed to be in the same light. Directors actually pick lighting circumstances specifically to minimize this problem.

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Guest KwazyDog

I would have been suprised too, and didnt expect it, but though Id ask out of curiousity. smile.gif To be totally honest, I think the ambient sounds would add a lot more to the game than this effect would. Sound is something so lacking in other wargames (which is why I love the audio spotting in CM). You will find it used in few games these days, but, and its a big but, they are pushing nowhere near the pollies that CM is as far as I can tell.

For example, I could be wrong here, but I believe each CM vehicle has quite a few more polygons (faces) in it then youd find in say a Quake 2 character model. And how many of those do you expect to see on the screen at a time. Probably no more that 10 (and that would be a lot), and all those contained within one nice little room smile.gif

Lighting in the movie industry is certainally a big problem, and is one that does make certain scenes look unrealistic. There is actually a CAD program you can get that allows you to assign each lights specific type, wattage, etc, to get the most realistic effect possible. Anyways, we are way off topic I guess, hehe. smile.gif

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Guest KwazyDog

Yeah, that one Im too sure about Marko to be honest, hehe. I do know that there more than a couple of custom models for Quake that are 800-900! I think some of the simplier ones may be down around the 350 mark though marko smile.gif My guess would be the standard player quake models would be about 400-500.

Hehe, anyways, dosnt really matter does it. Like you say, Id like to see 500 quake models running around.

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 08-19-99).]

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 08-19-99).]

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Believe it or not I've never seen Quake. However, I definitely think CM is looking better than anything in genre. Of course, somethings look better than others.

I never considered looks very important before in a wargame. The more I see, though, the more anxious I get to experience the realistic looking and sounding battlefield of CM.

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Guest Big Time Software


This is one of our beefs with Grogs. For years they have been CONVINCED that a wargame can't be good if it looks good. Or the other way to look at it is that the developer can either make either good looking game or accurate game. What a load of BS smile.gif

Because Grogs have set their expectations so low, developers have been left off the hook. They can make crappy looking games, whith HORRIBLE inteface, not to mention lots of bugs, and so long as the game appears to be realistic, Grogs are happy. We say "why settle? Why not ask for a good looking game that is realistic, is easy to play, and doesn't crash?" Afterall, this is what CM delivers. And it was made on the cheap by only a handful of people working without pay. So what is the excuse of the Big Boys, who have lots of people and loads of money? Easy -> they are lazy and/or a slave to The Industry. They don't care about advancing the wargaming genre, only making money.

The funny thing is that most "realistic" wargames out there are far, far, far from being realistic. So in fact Grogs have gotten OK looking games, with terrible interface, lots of bugs, and lackluster realism. See what happens when Grogs set their sights low? smile.gif


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Guest KwazyDog

'For years they have been CONVINCED that a wargame can't be good if it looks good'

I agree with that statement entirely Steve. To be honest, when I first saw the graphics of CM, the thought crossed my mind too. Not because I thought it couldnt be done, as I knew it could, but because I thought it was too good to be true! smile.gif After reading your FAQ, LOS and penetration info though, I realised that at last someone was taking the step that has so sorely been needed!

The thing I am thankful of though is that I didnt find out about the game a year ago, hehe. The wait would have been far too long to handle! smile.gif

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 08-20-99).]

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