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O/T Can someone post a picture of an 'Oyster Mine'

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Subject says it all and GOOGLE hasn't not been my friend. Saw only one picture (see below) but I have doubts that is one (doesn't look like an oyster :D )

Pressure mine that was held back in use by the Germans so as not to reveal it's secrets. First used at Normandy.

These sea mines dropped by the German aircraft during Normandy invasion and they were evidently quite a nuisance per Admiral Vian from the Royal Navy commanding the screening force.


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I think they were called oysters because they lay on the sea bed (rather than being tethered), not because they hid a pearl or tasted good with a bit of lemon juice or sumfink :D

AIUI ships are quite large, and therefore anti-shipping mines (and torpedos) need to be quite large too to inflict crippling damage.

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This is from the foggy recesses of my memory and so could be wrong, but IIRC the German Pressure Mine first deployed in 1944 was not a completely new mine body, but rather a new fuse that could be placed upon existing mine bodies.

As such, it would be difficult to know whether any given picture was of a pressure mine or not, as the fuse is a small part of the mine as a whole.

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Thanks for the feed back. I thought Oyster Mines were like Limpet Mines sharing some physical appearance of the shellfish they were named after. I guess they the only characteristic an Oyster Mine has with an Oyster is that it is in the water and just lays there. Hence just the fuse set up to be sensitive to pressure waves of vessels in shallow waters.

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