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Final Package?

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We don't need no stinkin boxes.

Let's see:

I can get the CD disk out and put it in the drive and just leave it there cause it won't be coming out for a long, long, time. So I really don't need one of those fancy plastic cases either, we can just go w/ one of those cardboard sleeves and save a little more $$$ smile.gif

Next, box (if there were one) would go straight into the trash, or in a heap w/ all the other one's! smile.gif Therefore, don't need box.

Finally, the manual will become a permanent attachment to my person. Where I go, it will go. At night I'll sleep with it under my pillow to: 1) make sure it is safe and 2) hope that through some form of osmosis my little pea brain might absorb additional knowledge from it as I sleep. smile.gif

Of course most nights I will not be doing much sleeping anyways, as I can easily forsee that I'll be so engrossed in this game that I'll be up til the wee hours of the morning playing it.


Mike D

aka Mikester

[This message has been edited by Mike D (edited 08-28-99).]

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You know if we can get a pattern of the manual for a tatooist artist, we can just have the manual on our bodies at all times...

I am glad to hear no boxes... That suits me just fine... Thanks for the answers fellas...

So now what about the zip bags, will they have that little thing a ma gig that lets you seal the bag really easy, or maybe blue and yellow makes green seal system... wink.gif

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I was actually being a wise acre above (not like most of you out there probably couldn't tell). I actually agree w/ you here. There should at least be a case as it also helps to best protect the disk. The box, though, I think most of us can do without which is a good thing because BTS said there already isn't going to be one long ago.


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Guest Big Time Software

hehe... well Bill, there is going to be at least ONE thing that bugs you about Combat Mission -> no jewel case smile.gif We go with paper sleaves with a clear window in it. So you will at least know what you are looking at. Cost is one fact, bulk and weight for S&H are others.


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OK, if there isn't going to be a jewel case to help keep my precious baby from getting folded, bent, or otherwise mutilated in shipping it to me then how do you plan on packaging it to prevent potential damage????

Don't forget, those boys at the post office and over night delivery places take special classes in learning how to destroy packages. They have every move down pat. The old drop-a-rooski into the wood chipper (oops), the "I don't know how that package got under the delivery van and got ran over boss, really I don't" routine, the "let's take this here nice little package from BTS and use it as a frisbee during our lunch break" routine. The infamous, "let's take this here little package and put it at the bottom of the stack of boxes in my delivery van and then pile a couple hundred pounds of large boxes of lead fishing weights on top of it and see how it holds up." And one of my all time favorites, "this is your package, this is your package after it has been soaked in a bath of sulfuric acid for over an hour, any questions???." The list goes on and on. Trust me, I have no doubt that they take special joy in doing so as well smile.gif

Do not underestimate the caliber of people you are dealing with here when it comes to the delivery "services". They are highly trained professional package assasins smile.gif Protect yourself and our precious copies of CM accordingly.

Mike D

aka Mikester

[This message has been edited by Mike D (edited 08-29-99).]

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I know it's not feasible now, but do you think someday when most of the public has some kind of high bandwidth hard connection, that programs like CM would be downloaded instead of a CD sent? When that day arrives the company could make a password necessary for the download and sell the passwords.

Don't worry, that isn't what I want to happen now. I only have a 28.8 connection, wouldn't want to wait for something like CM to download. BTW, the slow connection is not my computer's fault but the local telephone lines.

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Guest Big Time Software

Mike, don't we know smile.gif The way it is done is padded packaging with the manual firmly sealed inside the middle of the manual. Dragoon is shipped this way and there haven't been any problems. In fact, the Major's CD is shipped without the benefit of the manual and there hasn't been one problem yet. What is that knocking sound you hear? Me whacking some wood with my fist smile.gif

Rick, someday this will happen I think. Already does for smaller stuff. But games tend to be very LARGE, so downloading isn't really an option for most. Plus, I want a friggin printed manaul thank you very much! I also want to have a physical backup extern from my hard drive. Can you see that I am not a big fan of downloadable software? smile.gif


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I question downloadable software too. Like I said totally impractical for me at this point.

However, I was thinking that such methods might help alternative marketing method companies like Battlefront. I'd probably be willing to do it this way (if I had a high bandwidth connection) if it would help folks like you in your efforts to bring us these games which our precisely what our limited group wants, even if our numbers are small.

Speaking of the numbers though, have you seen that you got over 140 votes on that poll? I almost wish one could vote for two games. I'm looking forward to PacWar 99 almost as much as CM.

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To Mike D,

Just wanted to let you know, as one of those assassins, that the USPS has declared BTS and CM off-limits to our normal handling. Seems they believe that CM will get violence off the streets and back where it belongs, in the computer. smile.gif

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After I made my last post I was thinking more about this and kinda figured that you would just slip the disk inside the manual and wrap it up all nice and tighty. As long as the manual is thick enough (I don't think that will be a problem here) and you are putting the whole thing into a heavy envelope (one w/ a layer of that bubble wrap stuff on the inside???) then there shouldn't be any problems. If this helps keep costs down I have no problem w/ it as I can always get a jewel case to put it in if I really want. But like I said above, it will probably spend most of its time in the well protected confines of my CD rom drive, so I probably won't be needing a case at all. smile.gif


I might have known one of you guys would be here to see my antics! Well, FWIW, I had to take a package over to the PO the other day that I had to return to the sender. But I'd forgot to put the return authorization form in it before I went over there. I also had to use a special registered mail thing they sent me that I wasn't 100% sure how to fill out. The guy at the PO however was most helpful since he told me how to fill the forms out correctly and even cut the nasty reinforced tape on the box open for me so I could get the form in there and then taped it back up. So in my book you guys are all right.

Now as far as those over night guys are concerned............DOHHHHH!, better stop there since there is probably a UPS, Fedex, or the such type of guy lurking around here somewhere smile.gif

Mike D

aka Mikester

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Personaly, I don't care what is included in the package...as long as the rule book is THICK! Thats the way I like 'em. Heck, I don't enjoy SL because its fun to play (can't find anyone to play it with me, for one), I like it cause there's lotsa darn rules! Falcon 3.0...don't have a clue how the game was, never played it..but I read that voluminous rulebook 3 times. I don't think I'm the only one with this sickness...so please, BTS, give us the Michener of rulebooks! Thanks. smile.gif


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Take a tip from AOL. They ship all those millions of disks to us in just the cardboard sleeve. Has anyone received a broken one yet?? G--damned things are indestructible!! I have not bought coasters in 5 years.

Just get me the disk and a little documentation. I'll figure out where to shoot.


The enchanter may confuse the outcome, but the effort remains sublime.

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