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Anybody speak Kit Kat for Android RAZR M?!

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I have one of these, and KK has caused many users problems ranging from annoying to inspiring multi homicidal impulses. I'd settle for abject public apologies, with kowtowing, and firings of all concerned. KK not only is a gigantic disaster of an update, but is not removable once installed!

My V2T (voice-to-text) program, on which I heavily depend (dexterity issues) has practically had a nervous breakdown, being unable to understand "an" and instead typing "hand," and turning "hangnail" into "Gangnam," as in the viral dance. Spend more time fixing mistakes than I do dictating (only to repeatedly get hung up in the emoji button some idiot located just below the delete key). Those are just a few. But the apparent latest development is that my Phone icon, which historically has been in the bottom left of the Home display, has spontaneously relocated itself to the upper left, just below the Google voice control bar. This move has completely screwed up my muscle memory, is awkward and, on top of all that, the icon frequently doesn't work!

Have read extensively on the Android fora and have so far found no solution whatsoever for this icon business. Am betting there's an infinitely better V2T app out there. Not difficult, since the one I have is an embarrassment to rocks. I like rocks, but I hate the app on my phone!

Could some kind soul tell me how to get my Phone icon back where it belongs? I'll deal with the rest, including the GBSP (Great Battery Suck Problem), another "blessing" of KK.


John Kettler

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I don't think I can help you, John, aside from commiserating a little. It reminds me of an OCR program I bought a decade or so back on the strength of claims that it was the best available. After spending about as much time correcting its mistakes as I would have if I had just gone ahead and typed out the material, I gave up and pitched it in the bin as a piece of junk. Not a happy experience.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had the S3 model for two years now. Best phone so far. Only one very irritaiting feature. After every software update it looses my own settings. Personal ringtones get reset to default and some icons just disappear. Guess it is the Android to blame, not the phone...

And as to the GBSP, I have trick up my sleeve...

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