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Building Damage Status Indicator

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I wanted to throw out a question, so here goes..

Is there anyway to tell the damage of a building? I would like to get some feedback in regards to whether a building is on the verge of collapsing so that I might pull out my men, or that they pull themselves out...

Just a thought...

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I've been kinda wondering the same thing. This sounds like a pretty good idea to me. Although I don't think it should go as far as showing info that would state that one more hit on the building would bring it down or anything like that because in real life it would really be pretty hard to tell if 1 more, or 3 more, 75mm rounds would bring it down. It would matter where and how they hit etc. However, having a general indication of the state of the building's remaining overall structural integrity sounds like a pretty good idea.


Mike D

aka Mikester

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Guest L Tankersley

I brought this up a while back deep in some other thread. I think the biggest roadblock to doing this is you'd need "damaged" graphics for all the buildings in the game, and it might not be feasible for BTS to produce them in time. Plus, you'd need engine modifications to support showing the damaged look once a building had taken enough damage (this all assumes that buildings take cumulative damage, which I suspect but I don't think I've seen confirmed).

Leland J. Tankersley

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I was thinking perhaps something could be shown when you have LOS drawn to a building (either through targetting or the LOS tool) Instead of it just saying 'wood building' it could say 'lightly damaged wood building' or moderatly, or heavily damaged or whatever...

Now, the downside of this is that it won't easily tell the status of the building a unit is already in. I don't think there is enough room in the interface for that kind of description. I guess you could color code the text next to 'located in' in the unit status box, but that's fairly cryptic... The unit could always draw LOS to itself, I guess, but that seems rather clumsy. The unit in the building thing also shows a problem with just having damaged building graphics. If there is a unit inside, the walls are dropped, and you can't see the graphics anyway....

[This message has been edited by Ben Galanti (edited 11-17-99).]

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I would like a label that could be turned off and on... I am not looking for damage graphics... Just something like light damage, moderate damage, heavy damage, and you call this a building... I imagine it is a little late in the development process, but hopefully this type of feedback will make into CM2...

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