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Running vs Moving

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Are units using the "move" command less susceptable to fire than those using the "run" command? Are moving units assumed to be taking greater advantage of defensive terrain? I guess I am curious about the increased danger of taking casualties by having my troops run. Or is fatigue the only drawback to running?



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It also means that you get from point A to point B quicker. smile.gif I've noticed that I take less casualties if I use the run command to move from cover to cover, to cross streets, etc. Just like the real world...


Jon Johnson

Steel Lightning Productions

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Guest Scott Clinton

I would like to interject "SNEAKING" into this thread if I may.

Fionn and I are having a little discussion regarding this off-line.

It would seem to me that units sneaking are VERY loath to return fire even at enemy units less than 20m away, AFTER they have taken heavy losses. To add to this they also have not been 'going to ground' unless pinned or shaken. But ,I really have not played enough to analyze this in detail (why I emailed Fionn).

I was wondering what have you guys noticed when you are 'sneaking' a unit and an enemy pops up in LOS or fires on them?


The Grumbling Grognard

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