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WOW, ok now that you have my attention

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OK, well i stumbled on to site a couple of hours ago, and Oh My God! I cannot wait for this game.... Ive been a axis & allies / risk / panzer general player for a good while now. This 3d stuff beats sitting in front of Avalon Hill cardboard counters for 20 hrs(no offense AH). So now you have me drooling for this product and the one FAQ I don't see is "WHEN IS THE ETA ON THIS BAD BOY!". So if any of you have any wild rumors about it, drop me a line. PLEASE RESPOND(BTW, Im interested in some play by e-mail games, if any of you want to play someone with short-sighted tactics. )

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Guest Mikeman

Welcome to the club Foobar. What you got here is the best wargame ever and the best forum ever. Take some time to read the forum. Virtually any question you might have about the game has been covered (10,000+ posts). There's even a recent thread on how to search for topics.

Last I heard they were looking at a late fall release. Fall officially ends on December 21 I think. The game is in beta now and we're expecting a demo soon.

Although the AI looks to be excellent (read the forum), many are looking forward to PBEM games. You won't have any problem finding an opponent. Finding an opponent you can beat might be a different story. These guys here are sharp, and they know their tactics. The goal of the developers is REALISM first and foremost. Realistic games require realistic tactics. Go to TheGamers.net to read After Action Reports on a recent Email game. You'll see what I mean about tactics. Again, welcome to COMBAT MISSION!!!

Mikeman out.

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