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Opinions of Cm Beat Demo - after a few days

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The more I play - the more addictive it gets!

I always get the urge to try one more time smile.gif Something I never had with West Front and Close Combat 3 (even with all the eye candy)

AFter a few days of playing - you can definitely sense the depth of the game engine, which would increas with full version

Those damn 88's are deadly! wink.gif To both tanks and infantry - in my current game, no amount of mortar and Mg fire could stop their carnage - I had to sneak a bazooka team up and take it out from 110 m (poor bastards died straight after at the hands of an angry Geraman infantry squad wink.gif

In this same game - I poured my infantry reinforcements to thr ight flank of the town, and the computer noticed this, and started commiting his reserves to that side, very smart smile.gif

I'm happy with Cm in the beat demo, apart from the yucky green and dark gamma ; and the features that I want which are not in the game - (hopefully "YET"). Such as click/drag of units for the unit setup phase, with a facing arrow - which you can click and rotate, click and drag box around units to give group orders (like oredering a platoon to a location) and assign to hot key (so you can jump from group to group, while still using your current zoom/angle/view and the grouped units having a highlight base graphic). English (with accenT) version of the non-english speech smile.gif and also your troops radioing you if they suspect/spot an enemey unit.

SOme weird things - I had a massive firefight in the US attack scenario, and a infantry sound spot graphic popped up - which seemed unrealistic gven that this "spot" was 100 m behind the main fighting zone, and the amount of gunfire/noise and distractions my squads were receiving were receiving.

Also I think the tracers should be made smaller and shorter, they look too large and prominent.

BTS please let me know if you will be considering any of my proposals



aka BLITZ_Force

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Guest PeterNZ


go to display properties or right click on desktop and select properties, then go to your 3d card and nudge the gamma up a cpl of pts. restart and then try it.

I've had to do it to my card since the latest set of drivers, no big hassle, makes things much nicer.

weird thing is, screenshots come out dark hehe smile.gif


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Guest Big Time Software

Thanks CoolColJ,

many of your suggestions are on The List. Dunno if we are going to get to the group order thing, but it is on there. We have British, Polish, French, US English (sorry Canada, you get our set smile.gif), and German voices.

We are fixing the sound spotting. It has been on The List for a long time, but just getting to it now.

The tracers aren't that much longer than they should be. Go to our Resources section and check out some of the videos of the machinegun shoot we went to last year. Tracers do leave a trail, though we made it longer so that it would be easier to see where it came from and were it was going.


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Thanks for the reply STeve

I found a annoying glitch - I'm not usre if anyone else gets this, but when I press escape and exit back to my desktop, and then re-enter CM there is a small border of corrupted GFX at the far left and top of the screen about 1/3 of a cm on my cruddy 15 inch monitor. I have to save my game, quit and reload Cm to get rid of it.

I wonder if anyone else is getting this - I use a Leadtek Winfast s320 II Tnt2 card with 16 megs (probably replacing it with a Geforce 256 soon smile.gif )

Final note - in the above game, I lost all my SHermans to the damn 88s frown.gif I had 2 Sheramns try to exchange fire with 88, and lost out big time smile.gif

Without any tank support, the US infantry fought on, and did pretty well for a while taking two victory locatiuon, but ammo ran low and the AI commited some fresh squads and I had to call a cease fire! Can't fight without ammo wink.gif Major Axis Victory - doh! I had 23 points and he had 63. The AI had some very good defensive deployments, he had one 88 sitting in the far left corner from the US perspective. Got schlacked basicly smile.gif



aka BLITZ_Force

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[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 10-31-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Hehehe... sounds like someone spent a little too much time laying done suppressing fire smile.gif That is the quickest way to exhaust your ammo.

The bug you reported is a known one. We have an idea what is causing it, but are not sure exactly where in the program it is happening.


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Hey Steve how would I conserve ammo, once the main Firefight has started? Order unit to hide? Since they seem to shoot a bit on their own - I dun't know how to curb their trgger happy tendencies smile.gif But they do shut up on their own when ammo starts to get low



aka BLITZ_Force

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Playing "Last Defense" as the Germans, every unit was at low ammo wxcept the vehicles. As the Americans, every unit was at low ammo except the reinforcement platoon. The three Hellcats had run out of HE and MG ammo.

So any ideas on conserving ammo would be appreciated.


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