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Why don't the M18s use their APCR(HVAP) ammo?

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I just watched a test battle where the 3 M18s fired 18 rounds total at the Tiger I at 800m and they all bounced off except one. I am just wondering why the gunner didn't use the special round which I am assuming is APCR ammo. These rounds could easily penetrate the Tiger at this range. Seems a problem if they won't use this type of ammo. Again I am assuming that the s: catagory refers to special ammo in which they have between 3-5 round apiece. None of these round are used during the entire battle.


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A= Armour Piercing ( usually APCBC or Panzergranate 39 )

H = HE

S = Smoke

T = Tungsten-cored ( HVAP, APSDS, Panzergranate 40 )

BTW the tungsten-cored appelation is just my quick way of remembering it.. not official.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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