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Main Gun Elevation Limits?

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In another thread http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001867.html , they were talking about gun depression limits, what about elevation limits?

It appears that shots from my tanks' main guns are not hitting targets on the 2nd floors of buildings. They always sail underneath. This seems to be independent of the distance of my tank from the building.

Is this just a graphical thing or can they really not be elevated far enough? It seems to me that if the latter case is true, the gun should not fire.


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I presume main gun elevation limits are in but I've never come across a case where they'd be a limiting factor.

If you are close enough to a house that the gun can't elevate to hit infantry in the 2nd storey THEN you are way too close to that house wink.gif

The hitting of the ground when aiming at the 2nd storey etc is a beta demo bug.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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