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Is this a bug?

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I was playing the MG mission All round defense.I spent alot of time preparing my forces,Brit paras, and wishing to be ready for what I expected to be a great battle.So disapointing!!:(.When the Germans attack the first vehicles get stuck at the end of the bridge packing together and melting until forming some kind of strange vehicle that looks very weird.What's the reason?,can be fixed in any way?.

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This sounds like Graebner's ill-considered halftrack attack across the bridge. A bit surprising this was considered scenario material. It turned into a bit of a duck shoot for the Brits and Graebner paid the ultimate price. Never noticed significant merging/melding of vehicles in CM2 (unlike CM1) but this action would be the ideal engagement to illustrate that graphical issue.

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The briefing you get is, I suppose, deliberately misleading, so as to give an element of surprise for the assault over the bridge by what is indeed intended to represent the assault over the Arnhem road bridge by the Aufklarungs Abteilung of 9SS commanded by Paul Grabner.

There is however a clue in the title - All Round Defence, and the briefing to the extent that it recommends guarding against all potential avenues of attack.

The purpose of that is presumably to ensure that you do not unrealistically put all your forces facing the road bridge giving no chance to the attackers.

The scenario is only listed to last 15 minutes - which you should see from the scenario selection window. Did your game stop earlier than that? It might have done if all the German forces had come across the bridge and either been destroyed or exited the map.

The German objective is to get its forces across the bridge and away rather than stand and fight so that it why it may have ended sooner. If you drew it may have been because too many German vehicles reached the other side of the bridge and got away.

As a criticism of the scenario the briefing might encourage a player to spend quite some time in setting up a detailed and full perimeter defence for the whole of the para battalion, only for the game to last 15 minutes and not involve 3/4 of the forces you have spent time in deploying. It is, also, if you do defend against a forced crossing of the bridge, very once sided - I noticed when running through it that I lost more men to piat bombs overshooting their targets and hitting my men on the other side of the bridge.

On the whole I think the briefing might have warned that the scenario is very short and that players should therefore take that into account in determining how much time they spend in organising their "all round defence".

As for vehicles melting into each other - they tend to do that a bit when you get a crowd of them moving around the same area, particularly if they are under fire. It is not a great graphic representation but insofar as the vehicles' ability to move it may not be inaccurate given the effect of incoming fire, smoke, panicking drivers etc.

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