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I'll cd the demo to people for cost

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Title says it all. Now, if I'm stepping on any toes, just delete this message and no more will be said.

But since I've got a cable modem and a burner, I thougyht I'd offer this to people. I typically pay $1.50 Cdn/ blank, and with postage to the States it's ~$2.94 Cdn in total.


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Assuming you had the blessing of the BTS team, I'd be interested in taking you up on this offer. However, I live in Australia, and am wondering whether or not that would pose any problems, aside from the fact that it would be an increase in P&H. Also, it will depend on the size of the demo.

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Guest Big Time Software

Thanks Tom. Sounds like a good deal wink.gif

We will also be trying to get the demo on CDs that go out with games magazines and CD based publications (Inside Mac Games comes to mind). As for the size? No clue. I would guess about 15MB uncompressed, so maybe about 12MB? We might also chop it up into seperate downloads. It is always a terrible thing to have a download of that size get to 98% and crap out. Murphy worked on the Internet's construction, doncha know smile.gif


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Steve I'll take that as a positive reply? I ended up doing this for Steel Panthers WW2 version 2.0 and 3 people took me up on it (although it was 30 mb in size).

The magazine idea is certainly worthwhile, but ah I haven't picked up or bought a game mag in over 2 years. I don't know how important gaming mags might be to your target audience?

It's ok to mirror the demo then?


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Guest KwazyDog

Down here in the land of OZ getting 15 meg stright may be a bit of a tall order though smile.gif Im luck with a good connection where I am, but I know other that arent. I think 5 meg chunks couldnt hurt, if possable........

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Guest PatB_TGN

I'll be putting the Demo on TGN's server, which is located in North Carolina, USA when it becomes available. www.gamesdomain.com quite often places all available demos on their server. They have a mirror server in Australia, too.

For the PC, there's several programs on the net that allow for 'resume' downloading. Go!zilla, GetRight, GetAgain, Download Genie, NetSuck, etc... Some of them are free, others are shareware. Many of the popular FTP programs have a resume feature, too. The only stipulation is the target server (usually an ftp server) MUST support resume downloading. All the major sites on the net have this toggled on. These programs are a nice feature if your net connection is less than adequate.


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Sounds pretty good to me! Even though I have Go!Zilla, and could probably handle the crash, it never hurts to indulge in some inter-continental sending. Coopers is not too expensive here in SA. And you say you only want one bottle? (longneck?)

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Guest Big Time Software

Tom, yes this is fine with us. We will try to make the Demo as widely available as possible, and will attempt to do chunks at least on our site.

Oh, and what do you think of the beers from Chambly in Quebec? I just got my month's supply on Monday and it is going quickly. La Fin Du Monde is a work of art smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 08-27-99).]

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Steve; you mean the beers from Unibroue? They are phenomenal. I've got access to the following;

La Fin Du Monde



Blanche de Chambly

and I've tried L'eau Benite and Trois Pistoles. I love the spice notes that come through in La Fin Du Monde. But, if you've got the Canadian labelled bottles you know it's 9% abv. It's definately a treat and not a session beer at that strength (for me anyways ).


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Guest Big Time Software

Raftman is the only one I haven't tried. Absolutely love the others. Always had a soft spot for Belgian styled beers, and theirs are the best I have had from the New World smile.gif


P.S. Gee, this isn't very on topic, is it? smile.gif

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Uh, no it isn't on topic, but beer is....well, the food of the Gods? Raftman is made with peat smoked malt and has an iodiney taste somewhat reminsicent of a single malt scotch from Islay. But it is a thin bodied beer, and very carbonated.

It would go well with say barbqued food on a very hot day. Otherwise it's not in the same league as the others in my opinion.

Agh, I've been started on a beer kick again smile.gif Hmm, maybe I should take a trip to the STates today to grab some good beer?


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Guest Lokesa

There's a liqour store near my house with a huge selection of beers, that'll order whatever you want on the promise that'll you'll by a certain quatity. These beers your talking about are from Unibroue right?

Thats the brand name? I also like the belgian style so will definetly have to see if I cant get some smile.gif

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