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My one complaint, minor one...

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Can we please add some sort of group move function? Maybe just units attached to a particular HQ?

I don't plan on using it a lot but it would be nice that once I have my guys set (and they haven't come into contact with the enemy) that I can just give them a generic move to here order. Once they come under fire I can be specific but it would make the game experience more enjoyable.


Richard Arnesen

The Wargamer


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Guest L Tankersley

Perhaps a special platoon HQ order, "Rally Point" or something, that designates a destination for the platoon and its constituent squads. Probably shouldn't bring temporarily attached weapon teams along, although that's an option. This would be nice for rapidly issuing orders to reinforcements, and also for rallying widely dispersed units without having to search all over the map for them.

Leland J. Tankersley

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I'm going to weigh-in on the 'group move' side. Given that CM is intended for rather large battles, there'll be an awful lot of repetitive clicking without it.

For a possible way to do it, look at Tacops. Helps coordinate movement without lots of setup time - thus making a better game without impacting realism.

Or, dare I say it, CC3. Dragging a bounding box is a quick way to get things going - one can fine-tune the final destination for each unit a bit at a time.

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Just want to weigh in here with a request for a group move, even if all it does is create move orders for the component units at the time the command is given (which could then be modified like any other movement plots).


- Lou

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Guest Big Time Software

Lou, this is what we are thinking. The sub unit's orders would be the same, but in relation to the HQ. You could then tweak if necessary.


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I noticed this as well. An alternative to adding a "Group Move" feature for any of the combattants, is to give the squad leader of that particular group an extra command on his drop-down menu selection to do a group move of all persons under his command. We all know who the squad leaders are due to the black lines on the ground drawn from a unit to its leader (a VERY neat feature, I might add - kudos to BTS for thinking that one up), so he would be relatively easy to locate. If the leader was KIA, a hierarchy would need to be established among the members of the charging group to see who would next be selected as squad leader. I am unsure if the system does this already, as I've never lost a squad leader, and don't know who would take charge. Lost a lot of tanks, though :-( It's hell to play German! I do have a Mac, though, and I've never had a problem with the mouse as other people have complained about. I do notice that the vehicle shadows somehow obscure the drop-down menus, as if they were floating on top of the screen, rather than down on the ground. I suspect that your testers have already caught that one, though.

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