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I don't understand supply

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I'm having a hard time understanding supply. If I look for example at tile (179,73) between Breslau and Prague on the first turn of the '1939 world at war' campaign playing as Axis. The supply value (by pressing 'S') given there is 6. It is surrounded by two cities with supply 10? The manual says that upon entering a mountain tile the supply value is reduced by 2 which would make 8. Why is it 6. I don't get it?

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Hi Marvin

Firstly, welcome to the forum!

I think what's happened is that the penalty for moving into mountains has been increased from when the Manual was originally written, so your understanding of the rules is correct. Apologies for the confusion.

Just to add that if the mountain was on a road coming directly from either city then its supply would be at 9, but as it is not, its supply is only 6.


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