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Hey guys, I have a quick question regarding scenarios..................I was wondering why nobody has converted the Combat Mission: Beyond Normandy scenarios for the new engine? Some of the best scenarios were on that first game, and I would have thought that someone would have converted some of them. Is it not possible based on the differing engines? Thanks guys.


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I assume you mean Beyond Overlord. Right?

Well, the game mechanics don´t allow a direct conversion of a scenario from CMBO to CMBN like we could for instance from CMBB to CMAK via the Map Converter.

You´d have to rebuild the scenario from scratch. And even if you do so, I don´t think you would end up with a similar scenario, as so many things have changed "under the hood" in the game.

I am pretty sure that some of the CMBO scenarios have been remade for CMBN, though. I can´t tell you which, as I´ve never played CMBO myself.


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