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HQ Supply Giving Value

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Would someone please explain via examples the new rules. In opening game setup the Japanese controlled city of Wuhan is an 8. I thought supply giving value of HQ at 327/97 would be a maximum of 8 and unit at 327/98 would be a 6 but it is an 8. Also if there was an HQ in Canton and drawing supply from level 5 port would it's maximum supply giving value be 5? Thank you.

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Hi Clausewitz

The HQ is supplied by Wuhan, and as Wuhan's supply value is 8, it is providing the HQ with supply of 7 (1 less than 8 as it is 1 tile away, connected by road).

If a full strength HQ receives supply of 6 or more, then it will act as a supply center at supply of 10.

Thus the unit at 327/98 which is 2 tiles by road from the HQ, is at supply 8.

But if it is receiving supply of 5 as in the example you mentioned at Canton, then a full strength HQ would receive supply of 8 if occupying the city.

Hence any adjacent units would be at supply 7.

There is more information, including a table of supply values compared to resource strength, on page 35 of the Global Conflict Manual.

Note that HQ strength is now a factor, so damaged HQs are less able to provide supply than full strength ones, and this is explained on pages 8-10 of the Expansion Notes.

I hope this helps.


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