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I'm enjoying the diplomatic aspect to this game. As the Central powers I've had good results influencing Bulgaria and Romania. I'm wondering in my next campaign about Italy. Is it worthwile to spend any MPPs on them in the hope of preventing or delaying their war entry or is their war entry mostly event driven so they'll join the Entente no matter what you do on the diplomacy front?

Thanks for any opinions.

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From personal experience I would say it is too expansive and not useful. Itally will join the war rather early in the game and it is unlikely that you will be able to delay that but any more then 3 or 4 turns at most, at which point the money is better spend getting some german corps there if you insist to invest so much into itally.

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Hi, stormbringer3

- I agree with Sapare, unless you are willing to take a big NM hit for Austria by giving Italy Trieste & co.

- In that case you can prevent italian entry and spend some chits to make sure Entente won't push them again but it's very costly either way. It is usually better to save your diplo chits/MPPs/NM for other purposes.

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