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I raised the issue of the ARMISTICE facility in Gold as part of a a previous post. I have experimented with it now and this has raised some questions.

The situation I set up was that the Soviet Union would agree a separate peace if the Allied player attempted to renege on some inter-locking DEs to simulate the US sending aid via Pacific Convoys to the USSR. It would be possible for the Allied Player to get credits started for the USSR but not then agree the related DE that had the USA pay for them. If this happened I gave Germany a DE that would decide whether or not Germany wanted an armistice. When Germany said yes all her troops pulled back out of the parts of Russia she had occupied and USSR pulled back from Persia which was liberated. The unoccupied parts of USSR were described as USSR occupied by Axis but USSR troops could move in and "liberate" them whilst Axis troops could not enter them. Neither the USSR nor the Axis could declare war on each other. One slight anomaly was that the Axis troops stayed in the Baltic States but the tiles were defined as Soviet territory occupied by Axis.

Clearly I wanted to engineer a situation favourable to the Axis and this really was not ver favourable. I think that the Axis may well have earned income from the cities described as USSR occupied by the Axis but I was not 100% sure about that. I did have a DE paying some money from USA to USSR which continued but apart from that the USSR income seemed to drop to zero and all convoys to her stopped.

Moving on from here, what I want to achieve is that Germany gets to keep some parts of the USSR that she had occupied. I presume I can do that with a territory event.

In addition I would want the USSR to have some income - not sure how I can get that going other than with a DE - suggestions anybody?

Also at some stage I would like either USSR or Axis to be able to go to war again. USSR belligerence had dropped to zero. So I presume I just create a few mobilisation events with a random element built in but how long will the Axis be stopped from attacking the USSR because of the Armistice restriction? I suppose I could make the territory transferred include isolated oil wells and mines and Moscow which would give the Allies a big incentive to declare war as soon as possible to get them back but it would be strange if the Axis could not resume the war. Can someone advise how long the "armistice" will apply given that the mechanism has to be Germany asking for it? I have not tried another Axis power e.g. Italy declaring war - I will experiment with that.



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A quick update. No other Axis country can declare war on USSR. My next step but not today will be to set up a mobilisation event for USSR that repeats i.e. a type 2 and increases mobilisation by an average of 5% each time . This should move USSR from 0 to 100% in about 20 turns i.e. around 1 year.



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I did in fact use a territory event and just transferred a stack of the USSR to Germany including a narrow corridor to Moscow from Leningrad. Once the USSR is back to fully mobilised the Allied player will want her to declare war on the Axis as Moscow is part of the victory conditions and can be easily recaptured.

The effect was as if the territory event fired after the armistice because all Axis forces were pulled out of the old USSR and then the territory changed hands. I guess if the territory event fired first then the Axis forces would have stayed in some places but it is not a big deal.

One effect I was not expecting was that everywhere in the USSR became Axis occupied except where there were Soviet units. This even applied to cities which had never been Axis occupied. Thus the Allied player will need to walk USSR troops all over the country to get back ownership of the areas the USSR retained - this is a bit of a pain as operate will not work where parts of the railway is Axis occupied. I am guessing that the Axis player might get credits for the supposedly occupied cities and resources but I am not sure about that.

I do not understand the logic for this "Axis Occupation" happening - when would it be a sensible interpretation for an armistice?



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That doesn't sound right. Can you post the relevant script(s) here?

We use this sort of event in the WWI game to represent Russia withdrawing from the war after signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, and Germany annexing some territory, with new countries breaking away from Russia too, and it all works smoothly so I'm hoping that there is something in the scripts that just needs tweaking.

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Hi Bill

The armistice is triggered if the US or UK refuses an opportunity to assist USSR with a DE providing various types of extra aid but at a cost after a location (Moscow or Severdlovsk) has fallen to the Axis.

; If USa refuses to help USSR then USSR will offer Germany an armistice DE 109.


#NAME= DE 109 YES USSR Withdraws from war

#POPUP= USSR and Axis agree an armistice



#FLAG= 1

#TYPE= 1

#AI= 0


;Set global variable condition to always trigger (dummy value)

#GV= 1[1,100]

; Set link value to always trigger (dummy value)

#LINK= 109[1]





#DATE= 1942/07/11

; Set variable conditions:

; 1st Line - USSR aligned with Allies and not surrendered

#VARIABLE_CONDITION= 4 [2] [100] [0]

; dummy condition position

#CONDITION_POSITION= 0,0 [0,0] [0,0] [0] [0]


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Hi Bill

That has fixed it - many thanks.

It was previously rather strange because the territory was described as occupied by the Axis but Axis troops could not enter it whilst SU ones could. I am still not sure what situation that was meant to represent but anyway it is now doing what I want which is to have the possibility of a separate peace if the Western Allies refuse to risk convoying enough aid to the USSR.

Thanks again


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