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Question on LOS,target acquisition and the God syndrome.

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In the Reisberg scenario I just finished one of my 88swas hidden in the woods to the right of the town and decided to fire at some advancing GI's 200+ metres away.As the battle progressed I managed to persuade a Sherman into it's line of sight with smoke from a position where it couldn't have seen me firing.I managed to rotate the gun and take out the Sherman before it got a shot away even though it's turret was pretty much pointing in my direction.My question is,although the infantry have spotted the gun and is known to the US force in general,is it still hidden from the Sherman or were it's crew just very slow?

Could someone also please explain how a Panzerfaust can cause casualties on infantry units.Is there enough of a blast away from the direction of the shaped charge to cause serious damage or just make troops take cover.


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