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MP First Impressions

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My first MP game of CM, a hotseat game with my brother (not exactly the most military minded person in the world). Reisberg, he is defending.

I got my 4 Shermans, lined 'em up, and loaded 'em up. And hit Go. The first turn, he manages to (stupidly enough) leave an 88 in the dead middle of the road. Minus one 88 for him smile.gif Then I set my platoon of shermans to Move Fast and drive hell-for-leather into the town loaded with infantry. One small problem, my brother has a Panzerschreck team and two squads of infantry on the side of the road. My problem was I didnt see them until they knocked out one of my tanks (damn!).

The infantry dismounted safely (well not all of them) and began to exchange fire with the two infantry squads he had positioned nearby. That is until I started shoving 75mm HE shells down their throats smile.gif I start to move out my tank platoon (minus one tank, and a crewman from another, poor guy was blown outta the hatch from a Panzerfaust) again, while my arty begin hitting the town. Right as my lead Sherman reaches the objective KA-BOOOM. Another Sherman down, this one from the 88 he had in reserve (damn again!).

My infantry in the meanwhile were being pinned down by all sorts of MG, mortar, and rifle fire. I had lost my company HQ (damn!) and about a platoon of troops. But I still had two tanks left, one I used to knock down the building HIS company HQ and sharpshooter occupied, killing both instantly, the other to suppress the MG teams he seemed to have positioned everywhere.

The main force of my infantry had finally reached the town, but about 25% had become casualties (damn!). I continued to suppress and kill the MG teams with my Sherman when I saw a pyre light up in the town. Oh no, my other Sherman! I forgot to move it (damn!).

Right as my remaining infantry began to push into the town he struck again. A building I believed to be secure suddenly came to life from two different directions. One fired a Panzerfaust through the backdoor, knocking out my last Sherman (you know what I am going to say) the other opening up at 20 meters on two infantry squads running towards the building. No more Shermans, no more leaders, no more chance of victory.

I wont go into the details of my brother's mop up, because it was exactly that, a mop up. Anybody not already dead was soon to be so and I wound up surrendering my last twenty or so men.

A major victory for the Germans, major defeat for me and my ego.

NOTE: This game occured about two days ago, my brother has since continued to kick my arse all weekend long. My current record is 0-0-10

[This message has been edited by Apocal (edited 10-31-99).]

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He picks up on stuff pretty quick. My record is now 1-0-13 thanks to some tactics Moon gave me (if you think there is a Panzerschreck ready to ambush, then have the Shermans and infantry spray lead ahead madly, then rush in).

But suspiciously enough, I found a copy of the Art of War sitting on his stuff earlier today.....


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

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