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Graphics Quality

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Starting at view-level (number key) 3, I believe, the graphics don't look very sharp; the edges of tanks are fuzzy, and it's hard to spot my own (tiny) troops. Is this something which will be fine-tuned before release? (Perhaps during the orders phase my troops could be outlined in yellow or something?) BTW, is the game actually using 3D video? Thanks.

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Paladin - are you aware that you can actually scale the size of your troops and tanks up? You can enlarge them up to 4 times "realistic" size...

During setup, there "should" be a unit base beneath your units, color-coded to the different setup zones (or grey for neutral)... If you don't see that, it might be a bug?

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Two things that might help. First, you can scale the units. 'shift-c' (I think) will scale through the possible sizes. That will help the tiny troops. Secondly, try the hot key for turning on unit bases (I don't remember what it is off the top of my head) That should help some too.

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