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Obvious newbie question!

I am playing as the Aliies for the fist time in the 1939 scenario and having set a trap for German submarines off Norway, I am unable to attack the subs with carrier air.

I have read every manual, searched the forums, tried countless key combinations and I just cannot figure out how to activate the air arm of the carrier.

What am I not doing correctly?

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Bingo Hubert.

My carrier is in storms. I did not know what to look for until your reply. I always play on the larger view and the white caps were not as obvious as rain or snow.

Thank you.

By the way, great game. Nice job. I really like the balance, the random nature of research and your incorporation of supply and morale as a defining factor. I started playing Avlon Hill games in the early 60's and I still needed about a dozen starts as the Axis until I felt comfortable.

I intend to try WW I next, putting Global Conflict somewhere in the distant future. Oh well! I wish all my problems were that small.

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