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New file at the Repository: Nupremal World Campaign (2012-06-02)

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Version 1.05- Fixed error with Thailand activation for Japan (country id was incorrect)- reduced DD sub attack values to 2 to make submarine warfare more effective- Germany starts with only 1 in Infantry Technology and instead has 1 chit in research- added optional decision events to ship ANZAC forces to the middle east or to allow them to remain in their home countries.- fixed sound issues (copied correct sounds from 1939 Storm over Europe)- Fixed Egyptian Unit Script & added 2 garrisons to Egyptian build menu- Eliminated MPP bonus for Pearl and German DoW on USA and replaced with Morale bonus- Italian belligerence if Germany is at war with USA or USSR is automatic now- deleted Antwerp Convoy since Belgium is now a Minor of France- USA activation of 1% per Turn does not start until 03/01/41- fortifications in China are now destroyed when overrun- deleted erroneous loop graphics near Samoa- fixed Russian Winter event so it will fire correctly- fixed Yugoslavia to be an Italian Minor- Unit Data changes: - reduced Air Defense values of Engineers, Special Forces, Paratroops, Partisans to 0 - reduced Air Defense values of Anti-Tank to 0 - reduced Air Attack values of Anti-Air to 0 - increased cost of Anti-Air and Anti-Tank to 150- eliminated Nebelwerfer and Type 4 Rocket from Germany and Japan since the Rockets for those nations are modeled on actual rockets (Germany) and Kamikazee units (Japan) and not tactical rocket units.- Japanese occupation changed to 80% to preven...


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This has long been my favourite campaign.

Just finished in Dec '43, decisive for Axis. A large part of this early victory was the lack of American involvement. I never declared war on America (there was a decision box early on), and neither did the Americans declare war on either Japan or Germany ... I expect this is a bug in the scripts.

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