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Sandbag walls

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The sandbag walls do not work for me. I can place a gun behind them and save. But when I reload the scenario sometimes the gun is in a different position outside the sand bag wall. Any body else have this problem?

Yes, there´s always some random shifting of units/crew members. It´s not quite the problem with SBs (which just have 8 fixed positions an AS), it´s units that shift, no matter if there´s SBs present or not. This is these odd movevement within AS variations. :rolleyes: A human player can fix it at scenario start by "facing" a distant map spot, til the positioning gets right, to preserve a particular "keyhole". Sometimes just few meters make the difference, if a keyhole works, or not. Quite annoying, particularly for an AIP setup. :(

Think the best SB setup is the single arrow shape "^" with the gun pointing "I" and avoid any multiple SB constructions. That does not prevent shifting the gun/crew, but should keep it well behind the SB most of the time.

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The problem that I am having is with the editor in the deploy mode while setting up an AI defense. The AI defense will be handicapped by the gun being exposed, unless of course it doesn't matter where the gun is in relation to the sandbag wall as far as protection goes. I hope that sentence made sense.

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