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CM Beta on Mac Powerbook

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Just as an FYI (I'm not sure what variety of Mac hardware you have at your disposal for testing) the beta runs beautifully on my G3/400 powerbook under OS9. Great frame rates. The only performance issue I have - and this may not have anything to do with playing on the powerbook - is that moving the view with the arrow keys & < > is choppy and sluggish as opposed to using the buttons on the interface.

Great job on this game - Prof. House would be proud...

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I also am running a PB G3/266. Runs great. Not a signle freeze, hang-up, crash -- I can't believe this is only a beta. :)

A friend of mine from work downloaded it for his PC and he gets a weird crash anytime reinforcements arrive on the map. I told him it was the inherent inferiority of a PC vs. the mighty Mac! :)


Kyle Albert

Three Axis Interactive


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It's alo running well on my Compaq P2 366 with a 4mb S3 card on active matrix. Nice to know I can be refighting WW2 while the guy next to me on the plane is reading the wallstreet journal or some somesuch nosense.


P.S> Can you guys make a palm pilot version?

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Guest Big Time Software

C Colapietro - thanks for the OS9 report (we don't have it yet to test on) and good to hear from you. It's been a long time. Prof. House gave me a weird look when I rendered all those F-14 Tomcats using those old UNIX workstations... if he only knew what I was up to now! The choppy <> keys are probably because I just do one screen update per key event... and sometimes the 'repeat key' events come in kind of choppy. Got a fix for that? Email me at feedback@bigtimesoftware.com if you feel like it.


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