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Leadtek Geforce 256 bit 32 meg Video card

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JUst bought the Geforce last week smile.gif Its overpowered for CM smile.gif ANything that can crank Quake 3 demo test v1.09 at 50+ fps at 1024x768 32 bit colour has a bit of muscle smile.gif

Incidently I'm running the core at 145 mhtz and the memory at 220 mhtz, up from 120/166.

With my TNT2 card, the screen would jerk with the arrow keys in Cm, not so with the Geforce smile.gif silky smooth, average FPS must be over 70+ fps wink.gif

hELL i'M GETTING 140+ fPS in Quake 2! ;0



aka BLITZ_Force

My Homepage - Just updated, check out my MP3


[This message has been edited by CoolColJ (edited 11-21-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

I know the feeling smile.gif I went from a pokey 10 fps to WELL over 30+ (60+ in some cases) when I got my new system and card. Really cool to see the difference. Oh, and my card is only an older 16MB one too, so the thought of having a top of the line card is a little overwhelming wink.gif


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Yes! Even slow computers can benefit from this!! wink.gif That will solve the shadow problem...with no cpu hit, and a hardware T+L moon/sun smile.gif with its position related to the time of day - yes!

I must say CM looks a lot better on the Geforce, the colours are very nicely saturated, I'll get some screenshots up, once I figure it out.



aka BLITZ_Force

My Homepage - Just updated, check out my MP3


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Don't do that, 'cause I just made the decision to prevent myself from buying any computer upgrades unless something on my system breaks. (The money I save goes into retirement planning) If you show how great the new GeForce card is, it may weaken my resolve.

Case in point: I WAS debating buying a hard drive to replace my aging 3GB (YES, THREE!!) OEM because I was getting tired of having to uninstall one game before installing another. (Baldur's Gate goes on, Diablo comes off; FightingSteel goes on, Baldur's Gate comes off; MechCommanderGold goes on, FightingSteel comes off....) It woulda cost me about $200 for a good 13GB ATA66 drive and controller card; money that I'm now using elsewhere.

However, after CM gets loaded up, I'm pretty sure I won't have to worry about installing any more new games for a while ;) (CM goes on, nothing else needs to go on until CM2 comes out)


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