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My first Pz-faust

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I know the AI for Pz-faust usage has been tweaked - but I just had my first shot of one tonight, and I just gotta tell someone!! :)

Of course it was all vs infantry (!) - one sqaud used both its at an enemy squad 9m away in the same building as it, and 2 other squads in buildings used theirs at a rifle squad about 20m away in a wood over a road.

Gosh - I feel like I'm complete now! :)


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One of my buddies tried to rush 3 shermans into reisberg and met a volley of fausts, not sure whether it was fausts or shreck that got the kills but during the one turn they were around 6 faust shots taken. I was loosing it at first though watching all my shots going wide...

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I got off my 1st faust saturday night. I was getting creamed by one remaining american tank. I had to run up to 30m away before it shot it off. Blew the hell out of it though. It paved the way for my 1st german win in chance encounter after 3 tries. I am very happy that I had a hard time winning that game because Ireally felt like I had to work for it. Very satisfing.

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