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"The Farm" Tournament - Round 2 AAR Thread

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Ok, I'll bite. For round 1 I made the AAR after the battle. This was a lot of work and its sometimes hard to remember why I did what. So I decided to write as it went. Unfortunately this will be very short as my opponent vanished 6 minutes into the game. I hope you still find it interesting.

Bimmer: first of all thanks again for organizing this!

I'd like to ask a favor: could I have the other password? I would at least like to discover what I was up against.

So here the AAR starts:


I'm playing the germans. I have to leave my post at the farm eastwards ASAP but have to lay some mines before (touch objective). There are reports of enemy mechanized infantry to the west. Theres a recon platoon of mine to the north - ETA unknown. There are also some minefields.


4 HTs (one with a 37mm), a truck and a jeep, grenadiers and pioneers.


There are two roads coming from the W and SW and this is the most probable attack vector.

I'm not very concerned about the road leading to the farm. I'll leave a single team there for distraction just to make sure the Amis use a careful approach. I'll be long gone when they are through the farm. This may cause a problem for the platoon from the north depending on their ETA. But they can hide behind the bocage so I don't worry too much.

The SW road is a bigger problem because if the enemy has the west end they have LOS nearly to my exit point. I'll cover this with two HTs - the one from the pioneers which is closest and the 37mm. I hope this is enough discouragement. Also if they get destroyed in place they will provide a nice roadblock and cover.

To get the touch objective I'll send one pioneer team through the orchard and have them blast their way through the bocage. If the enemy has the road the only have a minimal distance to run to the objective. I hope they make it behind the cover of the HTs.

The other pioneer team will be my Plan B. They move through the minefield and blow a hole in the bocage close to the exit. If I can't get my vehicles through the road I have this as a backup path.


First I have the guy shot that put the minefield to the east instead of the crossroads. The rest is as described in the plan. Theres been a comment on the forum about this being a train wreck. I know exactly what he meant...

Minute 30:


Minute 29:


Dead HT, M8 in the back:


Plan B it is. The first HT I've send to the crossroads as discouragement has been thoroughly destroyed by an M8 sitting at the westend. The roadblock plan springs into action. The HT sits squat in the middle and every other vehicle will have to navigate around.

I order the 37mm to cover the crossroad but stay deep in the NS road just ahead of the gate. Thus it can reverse into safety later. The trucks are ordered through the gate and through the minefield. Did I shoot the guy who deployed this? Yes? Good.

The HQ team in the farm area fire towards the contacts behind the bocage hopefully drawing the Amis in this direction.

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Minute 28:


The survivors of the HT bite the dust. More contacts on the road but the only unit I can identify is a LMG team far in the west. Theres no LOS to my HQ team but I stop their area fire nonetheless.

In the east my blast team make a decent hole in the bocage.

Something strange happens to my blast team in the orchard. Before theres a hole the team leader appears on the other(!) side of the bocage and gets shot. This disturbs the remaining two so much that theres no other action. I file this as a bug to BFC



Minute 27:


The first HT reaches the exit zone. The blast team in the orchard regains composure. More contacts.

I send two men from a HT to overwatch the orchard. My plan is now quite simple: the HQ team and its Kübel plus the HT in overwatch of the orchard stay to delay. Also the 37mm keeps watch over the crossroads. They will wait for the recon platoon. Hope they hurry up.

The blast team in the orchard will make a desperate try for the 50pts minefield.

The rest will exit the map.

Minute 26:


Highlight of this term is the Opel Blitz: right at the berm of the blasted bocage it decides to take the scenic route. Turns around to visit the minefield and of course finds one. Only slight damage to the tires. I have to test if trucks can traverse berms at all.

But, sorry BFC, that kind of routing for the truck is simply stupid. Some better feedback to the player would also be nice.

One HT exits, another reaches the exit zone. I've moved the HQs in the farm a bit back. I hope the recon platoon comes soon.

The blast team in the orchard is (again) preparing the blast.

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Minute 25:


The enemy LMG team finally notices my blast team and shoots one. The remainder flees. There goes my 50 points.

I send the other pioneers at the exit to the south to get a glimpse at the cafe.

Road madness: the HT thats supposed to cross the minefield diverts to the right and tries to squeeze between a mine tile and the bocage. Luckily the time is up and I can stop him.

On the road more madness: the second HT has problems passing the stationary HT before him although its enough space to pass with two tanks. This stops the one behind him and he starts to turn on the spot. Until now I hadn't so many vehicles to manage in a game. But I now understand the chagrin others have with that issue. Please, BFC, vehicle movement is such a basic function of the game - get it right!


Minute 24:

(sorry, no picture)

The pioneers get shot at but survive I see now ACs and a tank coming down the road. I hope my 37mm can stop them at the crossroads.

Here the battle ends. I'm not sure how points will be awarded but I'd guess I would have lost. Maybe not if I would have destroyed some vehicles at the crossroads.

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My AAR should hopefully be done in a few days, I'm taking notes and screenshots right now. There were a LOT of stuff going on in my game and I'd go crazy if I attempted to cover it all, the AAR will cover the highlights and hopefully give people a decent view of what happened.

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