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Trails in the woods?

Guest GMB OneShot

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Guest GMB OneShot

I noticed that from a maximum hight view, there seems to be trails in the woods. Will this allow my tanks to do through the woods, albiet at a very slow speed? or are they just for looks. If so, will the tanks follow the trails automatically or do i have to pay close attention and guid the tank throught the woods.

Thanx in advance.

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I do believe that there are no trails as such through wooded terrain. What you saw may have been the difference in ground color used to denote changes in elevation, or perhaps a difference in the "alignment" of tree areas. Including trails through woods bumps against VRAM limitations and (I think) AI limitations. As is, vehicles are denied any access to areas noted as "woods."

You can simulate trails with roads; it doesn't look exactly the same, but I'm pretty sure that a road with woods immediately to each side will act the same as a trail; i.e. vehicles may pass single file, and if the lead guy gets whacked, the whole column gets boned.


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You can simulate them, too, with "scattered trees" terrain. That's the only wooded terrain that allows vehicle movement through it, although it's slow! Unfortunately, the graphical difference between "woods" and "scattered trees" is not very appearant.

Of course, open ground or brush can just as easily be used for your path.


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Guest Big Time Software

Doug is correct. Those lines are the best we can do for "contour lines" at the moment. They aren't perfect, but without them... oh boy smile.gif


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