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Question on Map

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Sorry if this seems dumb- I currently am playing the Axis of Evil scenerio and have had very good success as the Axis, so much so that my German forces have now invaded the US. Is it possible to eventually move them to the Pacific coast? I don't understand how the arrow thing on the map works, can you move units across the line to have them appear on the other side, or not?

I am playing this set at novice level. It's a bit odd that the AI keeps churning out American forces on the Pacific and sending them across the Pacific while half the US is occupied! Probably this situation doesn't happen too often. Comments?

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If you set units on arrows they will appear in the next or two turns after on the other side. But some arrows only work for the Allies, so its possible that german units cant traverse the USA this way.

Thanks, will see if that works.

In the Axis of Evil, the Pacific becomes an allied lake. US and Japan control it all. Only two ports for the Russians, Vladavostok is quickly taken by Japan and the other soon follows. It's almost impossible to mount any sea offensive as the Russian in the Pacific.

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I am surprised the japs took vladivostok. You can grind the jap navy and the US navy down by tac air in manchuria und constantly launching subs. The Jap MPP is very low, they shouldnt be able to replace their ship losses/damage.

Its possible to invade Japan and later the Pacific islands with Russia.

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