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Guest Big Time Software

The only "supplies" we track are ammo. All others are irrelevant at CM's scale. However, the scenario designer can start units out tired, short a couple of men, and lacking full ammo loads to simulate prolonged combat without adequate rest, replacements, and supplies.

Ammo can be used up, pretty easily I might add. A mortar, for example, doesn't have much ammo on hand while mobile (stockpiles for static defense will be allowed).

Because of CM's scale and battle timeframe, there will be NO resupply during a battle. Campaigns will allow some, depending on the specifics of the campaign.

Reinforcements, in the form of whole units (as opposed to replacements for existing units) is set by the sceanrio designer.


[This message has been edited by Big Time Software (edited 03-03-99).]

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Guest Big Time Software

No grabbing of weapons, ammo, or other equipment off of the dead. Generally weapons were not transfered during a battle, and rarely afterwards either. Team weapons, on the other hand, are different. All team members will try to keep their weapon functional as long as their is ammo and the weapon hasn't been physically destroyed.

Some big items, like Panzerfausts and satchel charges, will have a chance of passing on to survivors of the same unit. Therefore, it is possible to have 2 German soldiers, each with a panzerfaust, remaining in a squad that once had 9 members. However, chances are that they would be lucky to have even one left.


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In CC2, I liked how the troops gathered ammo from other unit members who were taken out of action. Like A Rilfeman goes down, and his magazines are distributed among the remaining members with the same weapon. Also, if a Bren gunner went down, another member of his same unit would take over its use. Will we be seeing these at least?

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Guest Big Time Software

A squad will try to keep its LMG (MG42/Bren/BAR) functional by their assistants and/or ammo bearer, but there is always a chance this will not happen. The fewer men, the less the chance. However, I have seen squads running around with 2 guys with one LMG.

Unlike Close Combat we don't track each individual round of ammo. Instead, each formation has a set number of "Ammo Units". Each time the unit goes to fire a Ammo Unit is used up. At greater ranges it will be less than a full unit, shorter ranges (i.e. hand to hand range) it will be more. When a squad member is lost the available Ammo Units goes down proportionally (team weapons are a little different).

Problem here is that unlike Hollywood and other wargames, men did not strip weapons off the KIA/WIA very often in real war. They tended to stay with what they trusted; their own individual weapon. And if someone DID want to switch weapon types, well he would have to spend quite a bit of time switching equipment loads too. You don't can't just suddenly stash 6 magazines for a SMG somewhere on your person if you don't have the pouches. Since units RARELY have time to switch gear (perhaps 5 minutes, or 5 CM turns), it isn't practical. Even grabbing ammo of the same type isn't practical much of the time (i.e. nobody is going to stop in an open field to get 10 rounds of ammo).


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I guess grabbing weapons/ammo off dead bodies would be only an option for a soldier if he has no more ammo on him or his weapon broke. Leads me to jams: will weapons jam in CM? And I mean not only the small stuff, but also MGs, tanks and 88s?

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