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CC4 forum

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I know this is a CM forum but I couldn't help post this thread on the CC forum. I haven't checked the forum for over a week because frankly I don't play the game anymore but I checked the forum anyway. Here's some of the replies I got:

Posted By: Jim (

Date: 11/28/99 17:07

: It would have been nice to have the Nebelwerfer in CC-4.I would rather see it then the Wurf.

Posted By: Mad Bunny (

Date: 11/28/99 20:54

:A man after my own heart!

(this guy works for Atomic)

Posted By: Howard Bjerke (

Date: 11/28/99 21:02

I'd rather not seen any of them.

Posted By: Mad Bunny (

Date: 11/28/99 21:04

Ok, no nebelwefers, just for you Mr. Bjerke.

Posted By: Howard Bjerke (

Date: 11/29/99 08:49

Jeez.. that was easy why couldn't you just asked me before you made the game in the first place. If you'd kept you eyes and ears open you'd found out that It's not just me that don't want all this rocket stuff you're throwing in. Btw I'm not Mr.

PS. While you're at it can you leave out all the flamethrowers and fix the german voice cues too cuz I already know who the bad guys were ?

Posted By: Brubaker <queenrocks@esc.net.au> (

Date: 11/29/99 16:48

Jeez that was easy. Well if that's the case I would like some Belgian peasant farmgirls for my soldiers to 'entertain' whilst not out fighting.

Brubaker.(The opinions of the psychotic above do not represent this board or forum and are not meant to represent any person, living or deceased.)

Posted By: Howard Bjerke (

Date: 12/3/99 10:23

Haven't checked this board for quite a while and now I see why. So anybody that got the audacity to have an opinon that differs from your's, anyone that's posting something on a board that doesn't say the same as all the others are a psychotic? So there's no room for people that have other thoughts, beliefs and things that bothers them. I wonder who's the psycho Brubaker (last time a person with power who had the same opinons about a democracy as you governed a country he sat europe on fire).

Yeah that's it for now.. sorry about posting that here but I couldn't help it smile.gif I must also say that Brubaker isn't the average user of that forum but then again there wasn't any other posts telling Brubaker he was out of order. Feels good to be in a forum were grown up's are posting.

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Heh heh after I posted this I just remember I posted this on another topic:

"I don't understand why you guys even remotely compare CC with CM and speak of the games in the same sentence. CM is mile away from CC when it comes to realism (even if Atomic continued on the CC2 path)".

Kind of makes you wonder why I started this topic doesn't it LOL. Yeah I'm a contradicting schmuck and should be shot on sight smile.gif

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Seems like things are getting ugly for me out there. I'd delete the whole thread but I wouldn't want to deprive you all of having a good laugh at what a dork I might be smile.gif

Posted By: Veer <vkgreek@rocketmaill.com> (

Date: 12/3/99 12:24

In Response To: Re: Wonder who's the psycho (Howard Bjerke)

Um...Howard, I hate to say this, but how did you arrive at that conclusion?

Brubaker was refering to himself, not you. That is obvious : 'above' as in the name above the disclaimer, and not as in the previous thread. Your entitled to your own opinion, and on this forum most people agree iwth your points. No need to get all jumpy.

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Guest Captain Foobar

Howard, just stop man, its getting worse for you the more you try to explain!! hehe wink.gif

But I encourage you to eavesdrop for us on the cc forum, makes me feel like a spy or something!!!

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Howard, we are talking about CC ??

Let's see is that:

CC = Carelessly Capitalistic

CC = Crazily Clicking

CC = Childish Chatter

CC = Cash Carpets

CC = Complete Compromise

Well, it is CC4 ???

The faster you are with the mouse and the more hotkeys you know-- the better military tactician you are......

Carrying Contempt for that Creed. Create another 1st person shooting game !! Goodness knows we need one.....


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heheh.. it's just that if someone has something critical to say on that board they're getting a really cold reception. I think that's wrong because as a developer you shouldn't applaud pple that says only the stuff you want to hear, you'll never evolve in the right direction with that.

Let's forget this thread before it get's worse for me and Brubaker tells me he was refering to himself heheheh

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