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Anyone else play Quick Battles like this?

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So, I play CMBN mostly as singleplayer since TCP/IP RT isn't rewarding enough and I think PBEM is too slow for me. (I might be wrong here. But PBEM games seem so long, they're a commitment. Like I imagine marriage to be. Gives me heebie-jeebies.)

I like playing Quick Battles since picking ones own forces is merry fun. The problem in solitaire QBs is of course the AI. It lacks, ah, certain delicacy.

How to satisfy my urges, I asked myself. I found a nice solution in playing Assaults against the computer with it attacking! Gasp, but the AI is no good on the offense! Nonsense, it turned out. I give the computer +150% points and handpick troops for it. Be sure to buy nothing but Elite and Fanatical units, that's the important part. Okay, they pour out of breaks in the bocage like lemmings but they shoot a lot. Accurately. And, it's like...really, really hard to stop them.

Absolute mayhem and intense firefights ensue. It's like the last mission in Warcraft 3. Defensive positions one after another fall to the tides of chaos, your reserves get eaten like appetizers and all you can do is weep quietly.

It's fun.

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Aye Beast, that is something to do with any battle you seem to find "too easy". :) Rather than tweaking the AI plans, it is easier to make Terminators.

I used to do the same in CM1. Pick who you are going to fight, give them more, and make them MEAN.

Do that enough, and the first real person you play will be in for a surprise for sure, as you sweep them off the map wondering why it was so easy.

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