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Placing units in desired locations

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Hi there --

I downloaded the game, and also installed the 1.01 patch. I am starting the first scenario of the game: 1 Training - Roadblock, and my first step is trying to get familiar with the mechanics. I want to place the units I have available at specific locations on the map prior to starting the scenario, but I am having problems doing so. Simply put, after I double-click on a unit, I want to position it somewhere, but whether I hold down the shift key, or even right-click on the unit or the location, nothing happens to allow me to move the unit.

What steps do I need to be able to accomplish this task?


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Select a move command. If the end point of the move command is within your setup area, the unit will move there immediately. If the end point is outside the area then you will get a movement line as normal.

You only need to click on a unit to select. Double-clicking will end up selecting the whole platoon. Double-clicking an officer will select all the units under his command - problematic if it's a company or battalion commander.

If you press Space when you have a unit selected, a drop-down menu of commands will appear, or you can use keyboard shortcuts.

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"1 Training - Roadblock" has no setup area as it is derived from the first scenario in the training campaign, which assumes all forces are in fixed starting locations so the player can follow the walkthrough in the manual step-by-step.

In most other scenarios you will see a side-specific color-shaded area (or areas) where you can place your units by giving them a movement command with a destination in the shaded area.

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