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Everything posted by Teufel

  1. As Haiduk already has covered all the bases today I can just add this video to cap off todays updates. Vodka, Lada and Russians being Russians.
  2. Zaporozhye direction Ukrainian fighters are pushing hard, very hard, breaking through the first line of defense. The advance to the second dugouts along the first line in the direction of the village of Verbove was recorded. Reserves are constantly brought down by gifts, which our fighters destroy as much as possible. In the area of the Robotyne-Novoprokopivka direction, the Armed Forces of Ukraine occupied a large stronghold located at a height, this is a big job, big losses There is a tactical movement in the direction of Vasylivka. The Armed Forces advanced in the village of Kam'yanske in the south of N.P. In Mariintsi, the promotion of gifts has been recorded. A few days ago, tanks worked on positions in the center of the city. Bakhmut direction Ukrainian fighters continue to clear the village of Klishchiivka. After capturing the center of the village, the Podars cling to whatever they can in the north so as not to lose important positions In the Andriivka area, the 3rd OShBr continues its landing movement in the direction of the railway.
  3. Last one as this is turning into spamming of thread but very good point about the structure of the Russian defensive lines. Long post well worth reading in full but two extracted points; “It started Velyka Novosilka which was culminating in the devastating Russian defeat and costly withdrawal in Urozhaine. Far more dangerous, however, for the Russian war effort are the Ukrainian operations south of Orikhiv. Russians have specifically fortified this area. Especially, Robotyne was vital for the Russian defense sector. It also explains also why Russians continue to counter attack this area, knowing their weakness in the hinterlands. But this is not even the worst for the Russians. Far worse is that this whole battle has evolved in an open tug-of-war. Both sides know more less the strengths and weaknesses of each other. The open terrain makes sneak attacks and counterattacks virtually impossible. This is only emphasized by the usage of drones. Some might argue that this point might be favorable for Russians but even that Russians squandered long ago. The biggest thinking error many, especially Russians, are making is to make this about trench networks. The trenches are delaying the advance, there is no doubt about that. But the most crucial aspect of this battle is logistics, as always. And here Russians made absolutely decisive mistakes, by not targeting Ukrainians logistic lines in the same way than the other way around. All and all Russians have completely lost the initiative and only hope that Ukrainians stop their assault. The frantic call of Pro-Russian minions such as Hungary's Orban are a very good sign how much in distress Russia has come. They desperately need and hope that the Ukrainian attack stops, and if they don't then we are not far away from a complete Russian collapse along the southern front.” Add to the above this analysis in great post from “RO37” of accelerating development that gathered little attention. Seen few posts last couples of days on X about some of it, but great comprehensive summary of what going on. Domestic and international systems coming online with S400 air defense in Crimea going up in smoke as prominent result. Well worth reading in full although long post. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2023/9/2/2190270/-Ukraine-Update-Ukraine-is-getting-stronger
  4. Russians pointing fingers at Western Balkan and Caucasus screaming about terrorism. Some time ago the same Russians bought up plenty of land in the hills and mountains of NATO member Montenegro. Before being ousted and acquired land confiscated by government of Montenegro when plans to build airport for charter flights from Russia surfaced. Apparently same region is full of terrorists, in NATOs own backyard. Of course the damned Americans are turning the blind eye and Russia must intervene if NATO does not!
  5. As mentioned several times before and discussed as important indicator of declining conditions for Russians. More surrenders along the contact line, this time in Klishchiivka. Which serves as update of what’s going on in Bakhmut direction.
  6. Early wake up call for Russians in Verbove direction. Russians acknowledging Ukrainian progress in same direction. Given information yesterday that trenches are filled with Ukrainian soldiers in large numbers. That the now famous hill 166 allegedly is under Ukrainian control starts to show signs of serious strain on Russian defensive lines in this direction. Plenty of stuff going up in smoke, don’t add much new but is interesting as geolocations are given at time stamps.
  7. Probably more serious than the stray air defense rocket that fell in Poland many months ago. Questionable if it will have any consequences given no casualties have been reported. Nevertheless, interesting developments if confirmed to be on territory of Romania. If nothing else, lack of response from NATO is also interesting in this.
  8. Previously mentioned settlement south of Vuhledar, that Tom Cooper apparently was fantasizing about according to Haiduk. Lo and behold, Pavlivka.
  9. TG of “Bakhmut Demon” mentions 30 tanks/armored vehicles were used in this direction, but don’t stop the presses on such claims. Just offering numbers to quantify “heaviest defeat”, note claim is were used - not destroyed.
  10. UKR Edition of Pimp My Ride Holiday traffic jams while Russians return home after spending holidays in Ukraine. Not to be forgotten as part of ongoing genocide by Russians.
  11. Maybe already been posted but if not, some additional news.
  12. Not wishing to promote JR or his work but not seen this elsewhere. Russians being Russians, guess the expression “when in Rome…” was lost in translation.
  13. I am curious to hear how you are able to call out the statement as false. It states attacks were launched “south of Vuhledar”, without specifying location or name, yes, makes it less credible than if had specified. Keeping with offering public information, where does your come from that rejects such statements? Not calling your statement wrong or defending his, just asking for additional input than “fantasy” referenced to DeepState which he may or may not reference to himself.
  14. Not sure if coincidences or not but these guys on the receiving end couldn’t found worse foe. Maybe everybody here are well vested in the beefs of the Sovjet Caucasus Mountains. But as reminder, Sheikh Mansur Battalion are primarily Chechen fighters that been in this since 2014. Plenty of these guys, particularly their commanders, are veterans from the first but more importantly the second Chechen wars. As we all know Russia invaded Chechenia second time after the Dagestan war in which many Chechens fought against Russia. Here we are again, speaking of holding grudge and fighting long after conflicts conclude. Wouldn’t be surprised if enemy troops were known to the Chechen fighters and they insisted on taking this sector. POW doesn’t exist in the Chechen dictionary of these fighters, not to be confused with Tik-Tok fighters from Chechenia of today.
  15. The ever so subtle Tom Cooper https://xxtomcooperxx.substack.com/p/ukraine-war-1-september-2023?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2 Must admit, at first I didn’t even pay attention at some of the following news. But, then it dawned upon me, ‘too’ (yes, I can be very slow in comprehending few thingies): to make things ‘better’ and ‘easier’ for the Russians, and in the light of the Keystone Cops sending so many VDV troops from western Luhansk to southern Zaporizhzhya, the last few days the ZSU ‘re-opened’ and ‘widened’ its offensive operations in the latter area, and in south-western Donetsk. Correspondingly, launched one attack south of Vuhledar, reportedly recovering one village there. In similar fashion, in the Novoprokopivka-Tokmak area, the ZSU widened the active sector of the frontline by re-deploying the 82nd Airborne to Verbove. Apparently, this came rather unexpectedly for the 417th Reconnaissance Regiment, which fell back and had to be bolstered by VDV in a big rush. As a result, Ukrainians are meanwhile fighting well inside the southern part of that village. And, to make things yet more interesting for the 48th CAA, they’re seem to have mauled the 108th VDV as this was deploying into the Surovikin Line, west of Verbove, and then captured that section of the (2nd) Russian defence line. With this, this sector of the Russian Maginot was breached at a width of some 3,200m. The last I’ve heard in this regards is that the HQ 58th CAA threw all that’s left of the 71st MRR, plus BARS-1/3/11/14 back into the battle in attempt of preventing an Ukrainian advance in direction of Romanivske and/or Ocheretuvate. To Cooper’s post we can add this one from today, poor paint job but serves it’s purpose;
  16. So it has begun, the Chinese annexations of Russia. One piece at the time and it didn’t cost ‘em a dime.
  17. On evolving Ukrainian capabilities, primarily in UAV systems in air and at sea. All this points to a growing sophistication in the Ukrainian strike capability. Indeed, we might now observe these operations as a separate strategic strike campaign, which is designed to generate political and strategic military effects for the Ukrainian conduct of the war. It plays an important part in degrading Russian military capability, forcing the redeployment of air defence radars and other systems, while also demonstrating to Ukraine’s supporters that it is serious about winning the war. Long read but well worth the time, in full; https://mickryan.substack.com/p/a-strategic-strike-campaign
  18. Something is up in Crimea…we’ll be right back after the break. Stay tuned!
  19. Steve argued few pages back about half assed preparation of trenches and defenses. This trench be like knee deep in best case. Gras growing on the dugout so can’t argue didn’t have time to finish it before being assaulted, must been like this for months. I guess Russians will continue to amaze until the very end.
  20. Speaking of going after one and other, if true, the Russians can’t argue they are winning!
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