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Everything posted by Joe982

  1. If Romania doesn't give it to Ukraine, what would Romania do with it? Defend itself from who?
  2. In my view the footage is so poor that it does not demonstrate anything. There have been quite a few videos, that are edited, such that each scene, lasts only a split second, so in the end I cannot see what actually happened.
  3. Ukraine has been hitting Russain air defence units. Does anybody know if they are hitting enough of them? Does Russia have more to replace the damaged ones?
  4. Agreed it's senseless. Option: 1: Russia should not have invaded 2: Ukraine should not have resisted. Please respond.
  5. Suffer in what way? Of course you mean murdured by Putin just he kills all political opponents!
  6. We have heard this many times. Hitler's successor might be worse Saddam's successor might be worse Pol Pot's successor might be worse. If the successor was worse they would already found a way to take over! So no, the successor will not be worse.
  7. I hope you are right but from where exactly?
  8. Leonardo Da Vinci made one of these I think. .
  9. Pay wall. What does the article say?
  10. Civilian airliners in the air can be scanned globally by anyone with a phone. Ukrain cannot hit one by mistake.
  11. UK doesn't need boots on the ground. These speculations will make Russia think the UK has boots on the ground. We know that Russia does not evidence to make decisions.
  12. I would have thought it's not the number of artillery shells, but how effectively they are used.
  13. It wasn't gifted at all. It was paid for. The UK was broke at wars end. The payments contined for years after. Australia too paid for US equipment. As part of the agreement, useful equipment had to be dumped at wars end. Total waste of taxpayers money!
  14. The explosions are obviously the ammunition inside the tank. I have seen videos of Russian tank design and yet I cannot see how the round from the drone can penetrate the armour.
  15. The Iranian embassy in Moscow would be an excellent target
  16. I feel that Ukraine must destroy the Kerch bridge and recapture Crimea. Only then Putin will negotiate. I think the Ukrainian offensive failed due to mine fields. And nothing else. I am from Sydney Australia. Apart from a few ski trips around the world I am not familiar with snow. So, if a mine field is covered with a meter of snow, what happens if tanks or infantry pass over it? /
  17. What what power does the explosive head have?
  18. Oh I see! I always assumed a person is facing north thank you
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