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Grumpy Reaper

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    Grumpy Reaper reacted to chuckdyke in Hammer's Flank Crossing the River   
    You find him where I put the Yellow Square.

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    Grumpy Reaper reacted to chuckdyke in Hammer's Flank Crossing the River   
    You got an FO. Find the Flamethrower Platoon, click the 5th Flamethrower then click the (+Key) on your Keyboard and you have him. He doesn't belong to any other formation.
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    Grumpy Reaper reacted to A Canadian Cat in CMFI Rome To Victory Beta AAR - Indian Infantry / South African Armour   
    METT-T: Enemy
    Enemy Intentions
    The enemy wants to maintain position of the high ground in this area so they can continue to conduct counter attacks into the valley. They are likely to defend this territory to the last man.
    Enemy Force Capabilities
    They have infantry with anti tank support with the possibility of armour too.
    Possible Order of Battle
    A possible combination of Luftwaffe ground forces and Gebirgsjaegers supported by some kind of armour.
    Enemy Strengths
    German AT resources are extensive. This force has had ample time to setup their defences so mines, trenches and bunkers are to be expected. During the mission setup Bud let me know that the Allies have a 3:1 armour advantage and a 2.5:1 infantry advantage.
    Enemy Weakness
    The enemy is low on fuel and will have mobility problems. I am not totally sure what that will mean in game terms but it is part of the back story Bud put together.
    Enemy Equipment
    Expect both mobile and towed AT guns. Also expect to see mines other fortifications used in the area too.
    Enemy Course of Action
    The enemy will be defending the area. If I leave my flanks exposed I may find a surprise counter attack.
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    Grumpy Reaper reacted to A Canadian Cat in CMFI Rome To Victory Beta AAR - Indian Infantry / South African Armour   
    METT-T: Mission
    The real mission is to show off the Rome to Victory Beta and give you guys something to drool over;-)
    The mission of the SA and Indian armies is the keep up the pressure on the German forces in the area and take away the high ground in the area to prevent any possible German counter attacks into the valley below.
    The main objective is the high ground with its multi story building that has an excellent view of a wide area. To succeed in capturing that objective we need to cross a small river and capture a bridge as well as the town below the high point and another small village near by.
    Bridge – There is a single bridge and three fords over the river. Given the wet ground conditions using the fords will be risky. We will need to capture this bridge.
    Hamlet – This is probably the least important objective but it is on the route from the fords and attacking the down without nutralizing forces in this village will be foolish.
    Lower Town, Mid Town, Upper Town – With three separate equally important objectives in the down for the scenario this is the most important area of the map.
    Hill Top – The true objective of the scenario. All other objectives service taking the observation post on this hill top.
    The Germans have been fortifying the area and are likely to have AT guns in the area along with some armour elements as well. The first task will be to get observation on the ridge line and village near our jumping off point.
    After which we will need to capture a river crossing and gain a view onto the plateau and the hill beyond.
    Cross the river – We will need to cross the river at KT1 (fords) and or KT2 (bridge)
    Gain the ridge line – In order to assault the town and the hill above we will next need to take the ridge line between KT3 and KT4.
    Neutralize forces in the Hamlet – assaulting the town will be difficult if my forces are taking fire across the plateau KT5.
    Assault the town KT6 – To make it to the hill top we will not be able to ignore the town
    Take the hill top KT7 – With the above tasks accomplished this will be the last step to Victory
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    Grumpy Reaper reacted to A Canadian Cat in CMFI Rome To Victory Beta AAR - Indian Infantry / South African Armour   
    Initial situation
    This AAR is being played using a custom scenario borrowing a map from one of the scenarios that will be in the final game. Bud and I replaced the forces with some specific choices to show off new formations and gear.
    It is now March 1945 the Germans have been pushed far to the North in Italy. The area is defended by some low experience Luftwaffe ground forces and very tough Gebirgsjaegers. The forces available to push the Germans back in this area are South African and Indian. A force of a squadron plus of tanks from 1 Battalion Pretoria Regiment of the 6th South African armour division and two companies of the 24th Battalion Sikh Regiment supported by the elements of 2nd Independent Field Squadron of Indian Engineers.
    The weather is clear but with the snow having recently melted the ground is wet.
    Comandant Litson climbed back into his tank reflecting on his first meeting with the CO of the infantry he was tasked with supporting. The whole thing went better than expected. Lt. Col Ram Singh spoke better English that he did. Turns out the Indian officer had spent years in England before the war. His concerns about communications problems were curtailed. While there might still be problems, he now felt that he and is 2IC could contact Lt. Col Ram Singh and his staff and they would be able to straightening things out. In fact, since they were not under a time crunch, they had spent a little time over tea. The Indians seemed genuinely pleased to be working with he and his men. He got the feeling that they had similar uncomfortable experiences in the past working with British officers.
    Comandant Litson, like everyone else, knew the war was in its final days but until hostilities actually ended his men were not out of danger. The best way to protect his men and those of his allies was to prevent the Germans from regrouping and causing havoc on their terms. This was the time for his men to take the fight into their control.
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