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Posts posted by CarlXII

  1. I guess that the answer to the question if you have a shot or not will depend on the size of the target. A Hetzer or Jgd Panzer is a fair bit lower compared to a Ferdinand for example.

    If you can't find the answer 'in-game' the best thing to do might be to load up the scenario in the editor and place a shooter and a target at the desired locations and then use the fire command to show you the result.


  2. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

     with the unreasonable gaggle of customers that believe we should cater everything we do for their individual and conflicting wants without any consideration for the wants of others or limitations on our development resources. 

    I'm sorry ! but that just not true. Very few people around here demand that you should exclusivly concentrate on adding features or fixing bugs that they personally considder to be the most important. 

    That comment is getting pretty tiersome and old.

    What frustrates some people around here is that pretty much NO ONE has gotten what they want...almost NONE of the suggestions/request that have been put forward here have seen much progress in the last couple of years.

    Combine that with BFCs own stated goals that meets with delay after delay and problem after problem you have to be able to understand that some people gets frustrated about the slow progress in recent years.

    They are not only not getting what they personally want the most...They are seeing pretty much no progress at all. That's whats frustrating and dissapointing.

    Hopefully that will change with this annonced shift in priorities.



  3. 5 minutes ago, Bulletpoint said:

    You were thinking that I am the kind of customer who says "I played 1000s of hours of this game and that's how I know it sucks"?

    Even after I literally said it doesn't suck?

    Don't worry about it 😎....You have been around here long enough to know that anybody who does not think that every thing about this game is just fine tend to get jumped on by some of the other guys around here...

    Thats the way it has always been...



  4. 56 minutes ago, PEB14 said:

    I hope there is more than the three of us...😉

    I used to be a pure WW2 guy but with CMSF being the first CM2 game i took the plunge and jumped into the more modern stuff...

    Today i still prefer WW2 but i find the more modern titles as a nice compliment and i would very much like to see things like...

    - A close to today China vs US game...Starting with Taiwan perhaps.

    - A modern(ish) US vs North Korea game. (korea war 2)

    But on the top of my list...

    CM Barbarossa or CM Case Blue 😍🥰



  5. 12 minutes ago, MikeyD said:

    The classic example of wanting more was in CMx1, players demanded 'sewer movement'. BFC added it, players played it perhaps 2 times then forgot about it. But while it wasn't in the game it was considered something of vital importance. Sturmtiger in the game? Important when it wasn't in the game, forgotten about when it was.

    We might very well be a hopeless crowd 😉 continuesly asking for more stuff...But honestly not even you guys could considder the game to have evolved much in the last few years....Can you ?

    Sure we have gotten a few patches adressing various things (primarely bugs) and some minor additional features to the editor like area fire, facing  and reverse....Those are very nice features and well needed but its hardly a massive addition to the game...

    I might be forgetting something but those are the add-ons i can think of...

    And Steam offcourse...





  6. I realice that you guys are a very small company and that there are limits on what you can do with limited manpower and funding but i have to say that its my opinion (and i belive others as well) that  during the last couple of years the consumer side of things might have been put a bit to much on the back bench...

    Many, many things are wished for by many people but very few things have been added...

    I belive you mentioned that the prioriteis will shift somewhat over to the consumer side ones again...That would be a most welcome shift....

    You guys are without question producing the best tactical game avaliable...well done !

    We just want it to be even better and have more of it 😊


  7. 1 hour ago, Rooks And Kings said:

    Regardless of all the miniscule little complaints that are petty themself, the community as a whole would appreciate this one specific feature more than anything else.


    I beg to differ ! 

    I wan't to PLAY the game...Not watch videos of it. Sure having a replay feature would be nice but there are a ****load of other stuff that i would prefer to see added way, way before any full lenth replay feature...

    Better tactical AI, Better AI programing options, Improved scenario editor over all, improved performance, co-op multiplayer, aditional 'in game' gameplay features etc, etc...

    Full lenth replay videos comes way, way down on my list...Thats for sure


  8. 43 minutes ago, Thewood1 said:

    India Pakistan would fit very well, considering the equipment used.  Maybe even better than Arab-Israeli.

    If BFC even considders WW2 north africa and WW2 early eastern front to be finacially questionable...I have a very hard time beliving that they would even considder an Indian - Pakistani war...



  9. JM stuff...

    I'm affraid that i have no skills whats so ever when it comes to modding or computer tech stuff...What i possibly could do if you guys gets an Arab-Israeli mod going is to design some scenario for it.

    Hopefully BFC will beat you to it though and release a BFC product covering this but as i said previously i belive that they have decided not to do any game on this topic. I'm not 100 percent sure about this but thats what i recall to have been stated by these guys.

    Hopefully i'm wrong...I would indeed buy an Arab - Israeli war module...Perhaps not my number one topic but close enough 😎


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