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Everything posted by Impboi

  1. Also, the US military has Zapad, which is just what you're looking for, but it's not available to the public yet https://nodicenoglory.com/2021/06/23/the-operational-wargame-series-the-best-game-not-in-stores-now/
  2. Barbarossa: Army Group South has a good map of all of almost all of Ukraine at a 5 mile per hex scale.
  3. I’ve tried all of the above. OS is Ventura and processor is intel i5. I described it quite poorly, the resolution is actually something like 4K, or maybe 2000 something, but only part of it fits on the screen, and no matter what I change the screen resolution to, it only displays part of what it should be so I can’t click on the display options.
  4. Also, launching it in lower resolution and then switching my desktop back to 1440x900, the display of CMBS gets to proportionately the right size, but the right 1/3 and top 1/3 of the screen are blank and just show straight through to the rest of the desktop, I.e CMBS is cut smaller than it should be and still only displaying half of what it should be so I cant click on display options
  5. I had fiddled with it before to try to fix this problem, it now has "1400 900 0" but still the same problem.
  6. Hi, I have a similar problem on my Mac, but the resolution of the game has got so low that the resolution menu option is now not visible and nothing I have tried can get it back to full screen, so the game is now unusable. Any advice?
  7. Still not fixed, tried reinstalling, switching resolutions, etc
  8. Update: tried reinstalling, same problem
  9. On Mac, after playing another game on low screen resolution for lag reasons, I switched out if fullscreen and accidentally clicked on CMBS while it was returning to normal screen resolution. CMBS opened but only with the bottom left corner of what should be showing actually showing, including about half of the game menu. Unfortunately the resolutions menu in game options was also cut off from the screen. I tried switching around resolutions and recreating the glitch, but it still only shows that section no matter what. Should I just reinstall or is there a way to fix it?
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