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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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  1. 47th assault brigade using tanks as ehhh mobile guns. Insight in the functioning and what this brigade might be up to. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/03/28/ukraines-super-upgraded-m-55s-tanks-are-urban-demolition-vehicles/
  2. hahaha, main difference is that the helmets have improved.
  3. suuuuuure, well, in that case some people at the CIA will get fired, worst cover story ever.
  4. when we hear 'mass is dead' or more specifically 'dumb mass of militairy physical assets' is dead, i assume it is only 'dead' because the enemy has 'a lot of anti-dumb-mass-of-militairy-assets weapons'. first question is: is a large scale offensive by UA really 'dumb-mass'? (with large scale offensive i mean in this sense - like attacking per company on a defensive position, and not just 8 guys and a AFV) second question is: does RU have the weapons (ISR, precision, weapons, ammunition, trained operators) to defeat a UA dumb- or not-so-dumb mass.
  5. i cant find an international source so quickly, but this is from Reuters: Ukraine captures an RU officer that wrote down the losses on paper. (Vuhledar). march 1st: 100 soldiers attacked, 16remain march 3th: 116 soldiers, 23 remain: march 4th: 103 soldiers, 15 remain. march 5th: 115 soldiers, 3 remain. the article also links to an older article about the biggest (armoured vehicles) battle in the war. (130 armoured vehicles burning in the Vuhledar fields). History will have to tell us if Bakhmut or Vuhledar was the main place that turned the RU 2024 offensive. https://www.ed.nl/buitenland/oekraine-neemt-russische-officier-gevangen-die-in-schriftje-harde-cijfers-van-uitgeschakelde-manschappen-opschrijft~a94a4960/
  6. Thanks LLF, we wouldnt want the yankees to think that this is really the map of Europe.
  7. try to search 'US basis' on Google Maps around the Black Sea. I guess USA has it covered and a few boats around by themselves.
  8. they could easily have blown the asset. wouldnt it be logical that RU gets a great deal from -say China, Iran or so - if RU takes down one of them in 1 piece to collect and do some reverse engineering?
  9. different helmets, different backpacks, different ammo-belts, different masks, different badge-wear, different rifles even it seems.
  10. ... UK must be full of awesome strong Rambo's that they can hunt, kill and eat squirrels. In the USA the squirrels are having the upper hand over humanity. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2016/11/squirrel-hospitalizes-anti-squirrel-chicago-alderman.html
  11. noop, youre definately about the first... we are having squirrel-week.
  12. https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/10/politics/russia-iran-ukraine-weapons/index.html i guess this is the official end of a technological superpower. ... from first man in space to "we dont understand rockets".
  13. all these things China can make with the current machines they have, the ones that ASML(Netherlands chip machine fabricator) can still sell to China, and the chips already on the market (iphones, washingmachines etc). With the ban on the new generation machines (which by the way arent even fully up to speed yet) they are banning China to control themselves the production of the next generation chips that have more power, and are smaller (for next generation products) - Im not an expert on what chips are needed for what product but i am thinking insect-drones, info-contactlenses, implants and other james bond/scifi stuff that we arent so far away from with current tech and medical possibilities. Because China sees this coming they will find ways around, i assume they will take measures and: - play the same game where they have the edge, (forbid us ...) The game we played with RU (sanctions) is impossible with China. - try to themselves build up knowledge and build an industry (very hard and will take many many years and extreme spying), - make sure they keep fabricating consumer goods which need the most high-end chips so they always have a big stack of them, no matter if they can print them themselves.
  14. posing a question: or did Putin stop the nuclear START inspections for another reason: he doesnt want the world to see the current state of the nukes. there have been a lot of international inspections, so we can assume that till last year everything was in top condition, otherwise we would have heard it right? however, over last year or could be possible that the nuclear warheads are still in good condition, but because the rockets had to be made free (prepared for Ukraine) that now there are some imperfections going on: like lack of platforms to deliver the nukes, uncarefull storage of the warheads or other things.
  15. I wouldnt worry too much about Finland and Sweden. 1- no actual threat (Thanks to UA) 2- enough NATO security 3- if Turkey lets them in... who is then going to chair any peace negotiations that will need to take place sooner or later anyway... China? Usa? Finland? Israel? Luxembourg? Hungary? Kazachstan? Japan? .. at the moment every alternative sounds same hilarious.
  16. I hope the sleeping giant can then manage to awaken the army of Dunharrow in Brussels.
  17. yes we should develop cheaper defences... why? Because trade off on the target makes no sense either. when i see a rocket incoming. i first have to identify the rocket and analyse if it still can change trajectory. Then i have to calculate where it lands, on my powerplant? then assess if the damage will be higher than the cost of the AD. will it land on the unused farmland next to the powerplant? - then let it fly (and hope we didnt miscalculate). Can the enemy possible to change the missiles course in air? then what shoot it anyway because we dont know what the damage will be? oh and if the rocket will block of houses? what if those houses were already abandoned? will you even repair the damage? or was that block going to be demolished anyway after the war for a new plan? oh! I can go on.. what if a rocket is fired at a monument with low monetary-high emotional (or strategic) value? what if the enemy fired a pingpongball at the powerplant. shoot it down because the powerplant was targeted? see .. quite hard to make the trade-off on the target it hits.
  18. i totally agree with the point to learn from our mistakes! i never said we shouldnt. note that i wrote 'army' in one of the roles. I also didnt suggest those insurgies should be dealt with by police, i suggest that the right job should be done by the right service in the right uniforms. I also even agree that the army is supposed to do everything needed, and i command your guys mentality and flexibility to do everything needed. however, the army isnt necessary best in everything. army can fight a war, build a bridge, run a school, keep the order and rule a country. However, when it is possible, bring in the engineers, the police, teachers and the politicians. the fact that these insurgies kept coming is because not enough people gave the new government their blessing. which is imo a organizational, governmental (political) failure.
  19. nah, this is reverse Psychology. you dont want your beloved one to have died for some weird nonsense. you want your beloved to have died as a hero for a great cause. therefore, no matter your prior opinion or ratio, you will support the war more and sell it to your friends, families and neighbours to improve the feeling and pride for your beloved.
  20. well, i know im going to open Pandoras box here but hey. i think the Iraqi war and Afghan war both were wildly successful. There was control after a few days. War and militairy was never designed to make lasting peace. They are designed to win battles and open up a space where a new government with new rules can win (the good way or the bad way) the bless of the people. Building up the Trias politicas (government, juridical system, police) failed. This can have a lot of reasons, probably also a wrong strategy for this situation because we try to do it always nice for everyone. Maybe partly it didnt help also (minor issue but imo worth mentioning) there was heavily relied on US (and international) army to do police-work. This means that the same guys in the same uniform are: -gathering intel, make the chats, win trust -being police to make arrests - manage revolts - shoot the crap out of a breakout for these tasks we have local agents, mainstream police, riot police and army; All in different uniforms. This way if you see one making mistakes or fight, it doesnt interfere with your relations to the other types.
  21. considering that it is the only vehicle being stopped by styrofoam 'dwagon teef' i guess they wont serve a better purpose than targeting practice or mine-sweeping.
  22. So, why gazprom can have a mercenary army. maybe to replace wagner when time comes?
  23. Good list, can I add one? he managed to bring EU decision making that used to take months - to days. ps. I tried to get Tanks and AFVs as mandatory topics at our kindergarten, but somehow the parental committee didnt agree. Any ideas?
  24. that seems more likely than Steves expectation for something big failing to happen. At the date to celebrate, they dont want to start an offensive with unknown outcome. at that date theu want a sure celebration, or nothing. Remember that may 9th was very silent on the UAwar.
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