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Everything posted by Yet

  1. Someone tell the UKies that this ritual doesnt work to make more tanks.
  2. there are always people that care about others/the world and the ones that care about themselves. It frightens me that a generation of the ones that care about themselves works in finance, it scares me to hell when they start to work in tech and silicon valley. I get horrified and actually start to loose hope when these start to work at farms.
  3. i want to say ...it is not 'just really stupid' to take secret stuff home to your kitchentable. but then again, who am i fooling, there are presidents that do this stuff all the time.
  4. What do you mean nothing to parade with? SMO lead to the creme de la creme of RU militairy innovations.
  5. I think everyone in this forum can truthfully state that your brain especially shows disturbingly many odd signs, which has a statistically insignificant probability of being a unaffected human brain.
  6. Poor guy got the wrong channel; who is the smart one and leaks topsecret RU intel here please?
  7. @Steve, strat-wise: would it make sense for the UA if before your plan to head to Tokmak and Vasilyvka, to make a 'distraction attack' from Vuhledar to Volnovahka(and stop there)? it is a 30km ride, though would be a logistical challenge. Armies can start from Pokrovs'ke area, for both the distraction and the main. It would throw of the RU, and taking Volnovahka cuts the mariupol/donesk line, it places the shore (m14, railway) in main artillery range, and it makes therefore troop replacements and logistics for RU a damn bit harder. Any troops between the Volnovakha and the main offense will have any the more reason to crap their pants and run. Would love to hear where this doesnt make sense (next to difficult logistics to supply Vuhledar area). Other thing i can imagine is that every square meter out of Vuhledar is being tripple mined
  8. once again spotless gear. oh and his chechen flag badge is right, the russian one upside down?! could be as well filmed 100km behind the lines.
  9. add 1 thing to that. Mariupol was all over the news last year. Everyone knows that it belongs to UKR and what happened there. If Mariupol is the frontline over the next mud season/winter it is communicative handy and more likely that western aid will sustain.
  10. still the documents were mingled with even before the obvious change of casualties and losses. USA maps would wouldnt show a scale 600miles when the distance is 600km, and the country names were added. I didnt go through all the documents. both could be true of course. official documents were leaked 'off the record', they were mingled with and then leaked deliberately on some forum and then mingled with again to make people think that the previous (already altered) numbers were right. also there might still be the option that the Pentagon is playing the game along 'ow noes! they found fake info, lets investigate!'. enough possibilities, but i wouldnt take anything written in these documents for the truth (or right assessment)... (except ofc the nato-member countries, which are quite correctly drawn as to common knowledge).
  11. also the country names look very photoshopped in. country names are another font than the seas. also see for example how the text 'denmark' starts right after the end of north sea. no mapmaker ever would do that. also it is 'the netherlands' and 'czech republic', not 'netherlands' and 'czechia'. 100% sure a fake map. and very bad even. actually it looks more like done in paint than in photoshop.
  12. i googled the distance on the map. its not 600miles, its 600km
  13. we discussed 500 pages ago that cutting off from Russias gas and oil is an easy task, which hurts our spoiled western relaxed lives. cutting off from literally our consumerism, medical supplies and raw materials for our technologies is a whole other game. Xi can have a lot of illusions as he can push much further than Putin could, because he has more leverage on us. Just to what extend he can use it is unknown to us. as we dont know how much the Chinese culture can suffer before they revolt. but my guesstimation is that they can suffer more than us.
  14. might be a better name.. with the topic "How hot is Ukraine gonna get" everything posted past feb '22 is actually off-topic .
  15. a lesson learned from Sun-Tzu 'Keep your enemies close'. ... right.
  16. this is one of the most problematic misunderstandings about democracy. democracy is NOT the will of the majority. Democracy is the will of of the majority while taking the will of the minority in account!!! i hope that from now on at least our little board here will know, understand and spread that knowledge. Because understanding this little difference is the main hope of saving our democracies!
  17. omg.. lets take this the best way possible and not too serious.. you are soooo NOT saying that post WWI Germany was the better one because it offered us great books and games to enjoy.;)
  18. its ok in war to lose 1€ if it costs the opponent 30€. so if the goal is 'population drainage' it is excellent. however, soldiers are also mainly assets on the Battlefield. so what are these soldiers worth? i wouldnt like to spend 1€ if the enemy spends 30 Zimbabwean dollars. as long as we dont know what its worth, and what changes the war; we dont know what the ratio really means.
  19. 47th assault brigade using tanks as ehhh mobile guns. Insight in the functioning and what this brigade might be up to. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2023/03/28/ukraines-super-upgraded-m-55s-tanks-are-urban-demolition-vehicles/
  20. hahaha, main difference is that the helmets have improved.
  21. suuuuuure, well, in that case some people at the CIA will get fired, worst cover story ever.
  22. when we hear 'mass is dead' or more specifically 'dumb mass of militairy physical assets' is dead, i assume it is only 'dead' because the enemy has 'a lot of anti-dumb-mass-of-militairy-assets weapons'. first question is: is a large scale offensive by UA really 'dumb-mass'? (with large scale offensive i mean in this sense - like attacking per company on a defensive position, and not just 8 guys and a AFV) second question is: does RU have the weapons (ISR, precision, weapons, ammunition, trained operators) to defeat a UA dumb- or not-so-dumb mass.
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