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Everything posted by Mindestens

  1. Yeah, no, I'm gonna have to stop you right there because politically there's simply no such possibility that a majority of Polish population supports these protests. The 'expanded significantly' protest groups include farmers and miners, both of which have really bad rep among about half the voting population. You know, the half that just a couple of months ago had the biggest election turnout in the history of the country to reject PiS government. Farmers are often viewed by the so-called centre as anti-EU PiS or Konfederacja supporters (hard right), their retirement program is widely hated among them and there's a sentiment that they are no 'ordinary farmers' in the traditional sense but more akin to entrepreneurs/bussinessmen who happen to have a company dealing in agriculture. Miners are hated due to high salaries, their retirement program viewed as privilage and being effective labour group working in it's interest. Both groups are widely hated for historically organising any kind of protest in cities or blocking highways. Then the liberal left often hates both because they are seen as an obstacle to a more green and eco-friendly future. We're talking about people with political identity who just overturned a government that was viewed by them as too reliant on farmers and miners. In recent months the anti-ukrainian tendencies might show stronger but believe me when I say so, people I'm talking about will rather support Ukrainians than farmers or miners in any such border 'conflict'.
  2. Козаки йдут (feat. Анна Булат) - there's a pretty cool app called Shazam that I keep recommending, it's able to find titles of LOTS of random music I stumble upon after playing for few seconds
  3. Isn't that the other way around? I was pretty sure RSF is supported by Wagner and they made some rapid gains lately, with Ukraine supporting the other side
  4. I'm sure our old worthless tanks, armored personnel carriers, self-propelled guns and airframes weren't as much help to Ukrainians as your amazing helmets that you magnificently offered them when we were sending whatever junk we could.
  5. Supposedly leaked photos of the submarine. This doesn't look good. Which is very good.
  6. Polish MOD admits two russian/belarusian choppers crossed polish border today and flew over some villages before flying back to Belarus. MOD was denying it since morning even tho multiple pictures from locals clearly shown helis close to where pics were taken and geolocated to be indeed on polish soil. The document states that Nato partners were informed about the incident and belarusian diplomat was called to explain the situation to ministry of foreign affairs.
  7. Russian Su-25 crashed into the water near Yeysk, Krasnodar, Russia. Pilot ejected.
  8. It seems one of the rockets launched today by Russians landed in Poland near the ukrainian border killing two people. Prime minister Morawiecki called an urgent meeting. Sources:
  9. ⁹ Look at the left corner of that second series of screengrabs - these are from that drone footage vid doing it's rounds yesterday with someone burying something along a road, it's the same ditch. I guess people are trying to nail the location. Some speculated it's chemicals, others that we saw sea mines. I didn't see anything conclusive what would it be. Edit: Found the vid:
  10. Source: https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/world/fresh-clash-erupts-between-kyrgyz-tajik-border-guards-2022-09-14/
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