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Everything posted by cesmonkey

  1. The only sure-fire way to get a vote in the House is a discharge partition. But it's not guaranteed it would get enough support:
  2. While I know this is likely to further widen the lid on a can of worms we want to close, it does still seem relevant:
  3. Podcast episode looking at the prospects for the supplemental foreign aid request (w/ Ukraine funding) being acted upon in the U.S. House: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/war-funding-makes-headway/id1094354742?i=1000645081567 War funding makes headway CQ Budget Summary: Assuming the bill is passed by the Senate, don't expect the House take it up for consideration anytime soon. The House will be already be very busy trying to avoid a train wreck in 3 weeks time when the annual appropriation bills deadline hits again.
  4. A story from January, but still interesting:
  5. I found that part of his speech. You can listen at the time stamp below. The context was if NATO members weren't paying their fair share, would the U.S. come to their defense? To that, he answered no. If you don't pay, you don't get any protection from the U.S., and he would then encourage Russia to attack those NATO countries is Russian wanted to.
  6. https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/uves-realnij-dosvid-bojovih-komandiriv-i-brigad-maye-buti-re-88897
  7. Nice to see the U.S. trying to innovate when it comes to countering the drone threat. https://www.centcom.mil/MEDIA/PRESS-RELEASES/Press-Release-View/Article/3671743/centcom-conducts-week-long-hackathon/
  8. Listening to Zelensky's announcement, well, reading the subtitles, these sections stood out to me: https://www.president.gov.ua/en/news/vidsogodni-do-kerivnictva-zbrojnimi-silami-ukrayini-pristupa-88857
  9. The next vote, without the border provisions, has begun:
  10. A "wargame" looking at the utility of robot wingmen: https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/the-need-for-collaborativecombat-aircraft-for-disruptive-air-warfare/ https://mitchellaerospacepower.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/The-Need-For-CCAs-for-Disruptive-Air-Warfare-FULL-FINAL.pdf
  11. Yes, very confusing. The Reporting from Ukraine YouTube channel also tries to explain it. The title might be a little misleading as it sounds like it hasn't been firmly decided either way.
  12. The bill is 370 pages, if you want to read it: https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_bill_text.pdf From page 62 on, it's about changes to the border and immigration policy.
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